Re: 2006 Spring Insurance Report


As the Chairman of the RVP Board of Counselors for our
meeting in Portland, I will place this issue on the
agenda for that meeting.

There are, however, some problems with gaining
consensus from RVPs, Affiliates, and Sections in
Portland.  First, the meetings for RVPs, Affiliates,
and Section representatives are AFTER most of the AIS
Board meeting time.  There is a session of the AIS
Board scheduled on Tuesday evening, though, from 8PM
to 10:30PM.  Second, there undoubtedly will be several
members of these groups not in attendance in Portland.
 This may be a much bigger problem for the Affiliates
meeting than RVP or Sections, though.  In St. Louis,
there were fourteen RVPs in attendance at the RVP
meeting.  Hopefully, there will be more at the
Portland meeting.  Third, some RVPs may need to
consult with their respective boards, etc if we are
asking for voluntary committment of financial support.
 That, of course, depends on the financial structure
of each region, and the relationship the RVP has with
his/her executive board, affiliates and membership. 
For my region, I intend to speak to each of the Region
21 officers and board members about AIS insurance
premium financial support before I arrive in Portland.

Gary White,
Chair, RVP Board of Counselors
RVP Region 21

--- wrote:

> Although I personally support the concept of
> affiliates, regions and  
> sections paying for the insurance coverage they
> receive through AIS, I strongly  
> recommend that the Board NOT adopt such a
> proposition until it is presented to  
> the RVP, Section, and Affialiate meetings at the
> convention, and each buys into  
> the deal. 

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