Re: 2006 Spring Insurance Report

I would be interested in knowing how many affiliates pay the $50 per year affiliate fee as opposed to those
who don't pay the fee because they have 50% AIS membership

"The answer to this question should be found in the records of the Affiliate's Chairman, would not be found in the Treasurer's report. Cheers! JCP"

Jeanne, yes, a day after I posted I did see John's note about the additional reports and I did find the affiliate report, which answers my questions in that regard.

"Third, some RVPs may need to consult with their respective boards, etc if we are asking for voluntary commitment of financial support. Gary White "

Yes. I regret to say that the whole umbrella of the insurance issue did NOT get discussed at the Region 14 meetings this year. Jay Hudson (and a thanks to him) did bring the initial concern to us at our 2005 Fall meeting, and we were suppose to discuss it at our January budget meeting, but it never made the agenda. Region 14 just had our Spring meeting, and it did not make the agenda there either. I so regret that it has fallen through the cracks in our region, and I really believe all of us in Region 14 should have been talking about it, so that all of our 16 clubs have a chance to know about this important issue and express their ideas.

A process starting with voluntary donations sounds good, as the concept should surely gain acceptance as time goes by. In Region 14, we respectfully ask our affiliates to make a contribution to the Region for the purposes of supporting the region, and that has been going on for about 10 years with pretty good success.

Kitty Loberg

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