Therefore, most years, a TB wins and there will be 7 to 9 TB's and 3 of each other class on the next DM ballot (assuming all SM winners came from US or Canada).
The special situation arises if a non-TB wins the DM in its first or second year of eligibility, or if an overseas-originated iris wins a non-TB SM. In either of those cases, unless something special is done, there will not be three candidates in that iris class. The Handbook specifies what the special action should be.
I disagree with that action, and the motion being discussed is my proposed change to that action.
Your earlier "IF ELIGIBLE" seemed to me to imply that nothing beyond the simple part of the rule at the top of this email should be used. I thought that what you were proposing was indeed to have on the ballot "Only those winning a Special Medal in each class, no matter how many." That would mean that if, say, an SDB in its first year on the DM ballot won two years in a row, there would then be only one SDB on the next ballot.
That would be a more drastic change than my proposal, but would certainly make the logic of setting up the ballot simpler than either the current situation or my proposal.
BTW, I have sent Barbara and David Schmieder (the remaining irisarians from the last big Handbook rewrite) an email asking if they can shed some light on the origin of the "three in each class" rule, and will report back here if I hear from them.
Gerry Snyder ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 7/28/2014 5:22 PM, cheryl deaton wrote:
Gerry, If there wasn't a requirement, then how would the nominees for the Dyke's Medal be decided? Only those winning a Special Medal in each class, no matter how many? CherylDate: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:11:13 -0700 Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] second motion to amend awards ballot Cheryl, I believe that what you are saying is equivalent to completely dropping the requirement. Gerry Snyder ---------------------------------------------------------- On 7/28/2014 4:00 PM, cheryl deaton wrote:Gerry, If an iris has won its class's Special Medal then it should be on theballotfor all the years it is entitled to be on the ballot for the Dyke'sMedal.But if for some reason a class does not have 3 irises eligible from the Special Medal group, then I do not think it is fair to bring up an iristhathad previously been on the ballot for the allotted time, and was droppedforthat reason, just so there are 3 irises in each class up for the Dyke'sMedal.I think we should have (at least) 3 irises in each class IF ELIGIBLE.Isthat clearer? CherylDate: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:47:59 -0700 Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] second motion to amend awards ballot Cheryl, Are you saying that you think that it is more fair for an iris that never won its class's Special Medal should be put on the Dykes Medal ballot, possibly getting extra years there? Or are you saying that you want to get rid of the requirement to have (at least) three iris from each class on the ballot entirely? Gerry Snyder ---------------------------------------------------------------- On 7/28/2014 3:31 PM, cheryl deaton wrote:Hello all, I do not think it is fair to place an iris that has been dropped fromtheeligibility list for the Dyke's Medal back on the ballot, just to bringthenumbers up to 3 per class. It really seems unfair to the other classesofirises that do not get that "extra" year of eligibility. If there isanerrorin the placement of an iris on the ballot, then I believe it should be addressed as additional time, but just to make up the numbers doesn'tseemfair. Cheryl DeatonDate: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 11:57:43 -0700 Subject: [AISdiscuss] second motion to amend awards ballot Bob Pries moved and Cheryl Deaton seconded the below motion. It isnowout for discussion. "In cases where there would otherwise be fewer than three irises ontheballot for the Dykes Medal in any iris class, the most recent earlier winner(s) of the Special Medal in that class that have been droppedfromthe Dykes Medal ballot shall be added back to the ballot in order to bring the number of candidates up to three." Michelle
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