Re: Handbook Revision

How many aphids can dance on the head of an anther? I
totally agree with what Terry and others have written.
If things are defined too precisely than we are no
longer judges but auditors.

--- Terry Aitken <> wrote:

> Hi All
> I generally agree with the concept that 90% is Blue;
> 80% is red and 70% 
> is white.
> The frequent debate that I get into is "How many
> points is that APHID 
> worth???" One Point per aphid? Two? Cheaper by the
> herd? Some judges 
> will refuse to judge the plant!
> Unfortunately us humanoids enter the picture with
> all of our 
> inconsistancies. Some judges are just plain
> viciously tough. Other 
> judges , like me, are far more forgiving. Maybe that
> APHID just flew in 
> from the plant next door? Maybe a competing
> exhibitor put it there?
> After seeing the Italians vote in Florence using a
> point scale(they are 
> extremely tough) I would NEVER subscribe to a FIXED
> just does not work.
> Maybe the judges manual could assign a value per
> aphid???? Now there is 
> a debate I want to record!! Ha!
> Terry
> K. Loberg wrote:
> > When I first took judge's training and then
> started judging shows over 
> > 15 years ago, it was confusing to me as to how
> judges' decided what 
> > was worthy of a blue, red, or white ribbon.  I
> searched the handbook 
> > and could find nothing that defined what deserved
> a blue ribbon.  The 
> > handbook has many pages about the scale of points
> for exhibition 
> > judging, but is silent about how many points
> becomes a blue, red, or 
> > white ribbon.   I asked many other judges in my
> beginning years, and 
> > finally stopped asking because no one had an
> answer.   In reality, 
> > judging is a grading system, and so I pretty much
> try to use a 
> > guideline very much like what Betty Coyle
> mentions, 90%-A=Blue, 
> > 80%-B=Red, 70%-C=White.
> >
> >
> >
> > Roy, I would very much appreciate having this
> clarified in the 
> > Handbook, so that current and future judges will
> have a guideline to 
> > refer to.
> >
> >
> >
> > Kitty Loberg
> >
> > AIS Master Judge
> >
> > Region14 Past Judges' Training Chair
> >
> > Instructor, Mendocino College
> >
> >
> >
> >> During my tenure with Exhibitions, the 2 most
> often asked questions 
> >> (expressed
> >> concerns) were about the partially open bloom
> requirement and what 
> >> constitutes
> >> a Blue ribbon, etc.?
> >>
> >>
> >> E. Roy Epperson
> >
> >
> >
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