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This is the one that started it all....  This is the third time I'm attempting to post this one to aisdiscuss...:

From: Robt R Pries <rpries@sbcglobal.net> 
To: bfilardi@comcast.net, MORRISJE1@aol.com, aitken@flowerfantasy.net, suttons@lightspeed.net 
Cc: PlankMail@aol.com 
Subject: Re: Bulletin Advisory Committee 
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 12:25:53 +0000 

Dear Bruce; I believe you are correct that Jeanne laid 
the responsibility of getting bids on all of us. In 
that case, we all need a copy of what the current 
printer has bid with most importantly the exact 
specifications that would make that contract. That way 
we can get a bid for apples verses apples and not 
apples verses oranges. The effort last fall seemed a 
sham in that it did not present consistent contracts. 
I realize that you prefer a printer close to home and 
there may be value in that arrangement that does not 
appear in a contract. But this time lets try to make 
an honest presentation to the board and perhaps last 
years insult will be forgotton. 

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