Re: #3 of 6

In a message dated 10/8/2006 10:58:26 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I beg  your pardon?
Time out.  I believe everyone should refrain from comments on AIS  Discuss 
regarding a topic and communications that were internal  to the Bulletin 
Advisory Committee.  As a member of the Committee my  reasons for asking questions 
was to improve my knowledge of the process and to  help ensure that our quality 
of publication remains high.   I'm proud of the AIS Bulletin.

Should I be so foolish as to  complete this "voluntary" assignment, 
again, I shall invite Mr. Morris and  Mr. Pries to eat their copies of 
the spreadsheet at the board meeting,  thereby signifying to all present, 
that they did, indeed, recieve a  copy.

Terry,  I did not receive a copy of the bright teal  spread sheet of printing 
bids mentioned to me.  I asked my wife Jean if she  remembered or saw such a 
sheet and she said no also.   Since we are senior citizens we saved all Board 
communications that we received  and we just looked again and it is not there! 
 I would love to have a copy  although it is a moot point now other than for 
my dining pleasure. 
Jim M. 

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