Re: Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web

I must agree. The website is the one place to address all the topics that need
to have membership focus and direction.  When I looked for info on the areas
my responsibilities, I didn't even consider the Wiki!(i.e., I wasn't
looking for 
'flower data'). I would like to see the info Bob has in the wiki
in the website, 
with a clear table of contents to guide our
searches...hmmm...maybe even have an 
internal site search engine...
RVP17, Speakers Resource

From: cheryl
deaton <>
To: ""
Sent: Tue, March 12, 2013 8:37:39 PM
Subject: RE:
[AISdiscuss] Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web

I disagree that the
membership sees no difference between the wiki and the
website.  On the
contrary. the wiki is viewed as a place to identify the
flowers.  Bob has
added useful information about shows, etc., but it is
conceived and viewed as
a 'flower identifier' by members.  The website is the
spot to get information
about the organization - Regions, affiliates,
conventions, contests, business,
minutes, etc.  Therefore, since space is a
premium for adding the hundreds of
irises that are registered each year, I
think the operations manual should be
kept to the website where the business
is contained. I have a beautiful stalk
of Adriatic Waves in bloom right
outside my front door.  Hurry Spring!Cheryl
> To:
> Subject: RE:
[AISdiscuss] Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web
> Date: Tue, 12 Mar
2013 10:04:33 -0600
> I agree with Ron these are just flowers and as
caretakers of both them and
> business we should enjoy them. The internet
is an impersonal medium and we
> should try to remember not to read to much
into the words. We do always
> personal email and phone as a way to also
communicate. I agree that the
> general membership  sees no difference between
the website and the wiki and
> may even believe they are both the same. I
would like to know more about
> as it seems there are differences. And if
it would make things better maybe
> somone should monitor and update the
website if this is practical and not
> costly.
> Thank you and happy gardening
> Ron Cosner
> > Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 09:11:28 -0500
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: [AISdiscuss]
Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web
> >
> > First, let me say that I
NEVER post to this web site because it is my
> > experience that if you post
anything that is not 100 per cent correct
> > (according to someone's idea of
correctness), or if you post an idea
> > someone does not like, then you
suffer the wrath of those who sit around
> > and wait to jump on someone with
a different idea. As a "bible thumping
> > gun carrying conservative" I get
yelled at and called names all the
> > time. BUT, people, this is a flower
organization. It is an
> > organization about IRISES. Nothing that his
organization does or does
> > not do is going to have horrible consequences.
> > So, I suggest that we try to be civil to each
other. If you must attack
> > a person personally, then use the person's
private email - don't subject
> > all of us to you rants and raves.
> >
> > I
will vote no on the proposed motion. I see no reason to change things
> > to
satisfy one person.
> >
> > Ron
> >
> >
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> >
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> >
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