Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web

First, let me say that I NEVER post to this web site because it is my experience that if you post anything that is not 100 per cent correct (according to someone's idea of correctness), or if you post an idea someone does not like, then you suffer the wrath of those who sit around and wait to jump on someone with a different idea. As a "bible thumping gun carrying conservative" I get yelled at and called names all the time. BUT, people, this is a flower organization. It is an organization about IRISES. Nothing that his organization does or does not do is going to have horrible consequences. THEY ARE JUST FLOWERS! So, I suggest that we try to be civil to each other. If you must attack a person personally, then use the person's private email - don't subject all of us to you rants and raves.

I will vote no on the proposed motion. I see no reason to change things to satisfy one person.


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