RE: Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web

I rarely see any reason to input to this forum.  But all this commotion got me
curious. I occasionally use the Wiki to research an iris.  Usually it's
helpful; sometimes it's misinformative.  I'd never noticed that one could do
or find anything else there (aside from adding or amending entries), but this
time I looked at the index with that possibility in mind.  Only KNOWING that
there was other stuff present kept me going! I finally struck paydirt--not
under AIS, which just took me to in the Index to General
Iris Information Topics.  Within that list, again not under its AIS heading
where one would expect it, but under O:  Operations manual of AIS.  People,
there may be a half-dozen site-pokers who find this stuff, but it certainly
won't be anyone who is deliberately looking for it.  To witness:  Veronica's
attempt to find it.  She too had no clue it would be in the wiki. I agree with
Janet and Cheryl that an operating description of AIS positions belongs more
appropriately somewhere on the main AIS website.  I also agree that burying a
copy on the wiki is a good way to make it easily available for update by the
positionholders.  I would keep it there for the latter purpose. If you really
feel that position descriptions need to be a matter of public record, then why
not rename the manual so people will understand what it is and put it
somewhere on proper, and update it once a year from the wiki (if
that's been updated)? My personal take is that there's so little demand that
it's not worth the bother.  When advertising for new people to fill positions,
just refer them to the spot in the Wiki for the job description. Debby Cole

---------- Original Message ----------
From: cheryl deaton <>
To: "" <>
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 18:36:52 -0700

I disagree that the membership sees no difference between the wiki and the
website.  On the contrary. the wiki is viewed as a place to identify the
flowers.  Bob has added useful information about shows, etc., but it is
conceived and viewed as a 'flower identifier' by members.  The website is the
spot to get information about the organization - Regions, affiliates,
conventions, contests, business, minutes, etc.  Therefore, since space is a
premium for adding the hundreds of irises that are registered each year, I
think the operations manual should be kept to the website where the business
is contained. I have a beautiful stalk of Adriatic Waves in bloom right
outside my front door.  Hurry Spring!Cheryl
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web
> Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:04:33 -0600
> I agree with Ron these are just flowers and as caretakers of both them and
> business we should enjoy them. The internet is an impersonal medium and we
> should try to remember not to read to much into the words. We do always
> personal email and phone as a way to also communicate. I agree that the
> general membership  sees no difference between the website and the wiki and
> may even believe they are both the same. I would like to know more about
> as it seems there are differences. And if it would make things better maybe
> somone should monitor and update the website if this is practical and not
> costly.
> Thank you and happy gardening
> Ron Cosner
> > Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 09:11:28 -0500
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: [AISdiscuss] Motion to move ops manual from wiki to web
> >
> > First, let me say that I NEVER post to this web site because it is my
> > experience that if you post anything that is not 100 per cent correct
> > (according to someone's idea of correctness), or if you post an idea
> > someone does not like, then you suffer the wrath of those who sit around
> > and wait to jump on someone with a different idea. As a "bible thumping
> > gun carrying conservative" I get yelled at and called names all the
> > time. BUT, people, this is a flower organization. It is an
> > organization about IRISES. Nothing that his organization does or does
> > not do is going to have horrible consequences. THEY ARE JUST FLOWERS!
> > So, I suggest that we try to be civil to each other. If you must attack
> > a person personally, then use the person's private email - don't subject
> > all of us to you rants and raves.
> >
> > I will vote no on the proposed motion. I see no reason to change things
> > to satisfy one person.
> >
> > Ron
> >
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