Re: Registration images - Amended motion
Thanks Clarence:
God is always right. Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: cemahan <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 12:31 pm
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
I sincerely apologize for sending the message below over the iris list. I
eant to send it as private message to Dave Niswonger. Mea culpa. Clarence
-----Original Message-----
rom: cemahan <>
o: aisdiscuss <>
ent: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 12:04 pm
ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
oday Don Spoon called and I commented that both God and an iris hybridizer
eates beauty. What is the difference between God and an iris hybridizer?
roll down for answer.....
Answer: God knows when to quit.
----Original Message-----
om: Capeiris <>
: aisdiscuss <>
nt: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 11:55 am
bject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
ear Friends :
In the discussion about the use of slides, as a hybridizer, I would be
my things tio be seen. In some instances, they may nit be the best
resentation of them but at least it gets the name and the hybridizers name
ore the public and judges.
In the daffodil society, we have sent slides for se\veral years of our
roductions. They do not limit it to one picture but there may be several
luding ones that others send. In one instance, my introduction of "Hot
k" was shown twice and they looked different. I was asked which one was
rect and I replied that they both were correct since it looks differently
different years and also different when grown in other places. The same has
pened to my with irises and daylilies--I have seen thrm looking differently
different places which I think is a good thing to point out. So, for what
r that's worth, that's my opinion. Dave Niswonger
----Original Message-----
m: Robert Pries <>
aisdiscuss <>
t: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 8:17 am
ject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
e motion as it stands with amendment does not require photos with
stration. If a hybridizer does not wish to send them that is their choice.
amendment that provides some legal protection may seem tough to some.
ever there are unknowns people have fears. But the motion also provides for
mmittee that can suggest policy around the submission. If warranted by
rience after it passes, use by AIS could be restricted to just the two
gnated uses; Library Archives and Encyclopedia.
I would suggest that there really is nothing to fear here. Can anyone name
IS use that would not be beneficial to the hybridizer? There is a
ng an iris seen, creates demand, which helps gain votes on awards. I can
ine how an AIS use would be detrimental to a hybridizer. The motion does
limits on numbers of photos and if quality is an issue the hybridizer could
gnate someone elsebs photo taken later as being representative. I am sure
best photos available would always be the ones used. The goal of the motion
o document the Iris for history.
hink it is important to look towards the future. If AIS collects photos
not gained copyright permission, than, they would have to sit in the
ary Archives for 90 years, before they could be put to any use. Of course
could always go back and try to get permission from the heirs of the
idizer but that seems messy.
have made enormous progress at bringing the society into the 21st century.
motion would not bring us all the way to where the leading plant societies
But it would be a small step forward.
-- Original Message -----
: "Janet Smith" <>
: Sunday, March 27, 2011 8:20:24 PM
ect: RE: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
nk you Cheryl, however might I have one of your good photos
ead of the lousy ones - giggle!
- Original Message ----
ect: RE: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:55:45 -0700
ank you Janet. The photo copyright is an important issue for many
t that I know much about it). One of these days I might get the
rage to
d you one of my lousy pictures for the CD program!
ubject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
ate: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 17:25:12 -0700
I have been accepting high resolution photos from hybriziders since
005 for all the Introduction CD Programs I do. AND every photo is
opyright protected for AIS and the hybridizer (who will alway
aintain the original rights to their photos.)
P.S. Not every hybridizer participates.
---- Original Message ----
ubject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
ate: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 09:39:29 -0700
>I never thought August first was the date for the final product.
taking into account the import of the information we will need to
the proposal, I feel that input from hybridizers and foreign iris
societies is
a PRIORITY for the first submission and their busiest time is from
now until
October. Other things to consider - the cost of an external hard
capable of storing the proposed images, the possibility of burning
dvds to
store the pictures, camera requirements (I have a digital camera
I have NO
idea how many dpi it has), which Janet could provide input since
has been
in charge of the Photo Contest but I am sure that Bob Pries (with
and possibly Kelly and John Jones and Chris would have suggestions
Tracy might not have the time needed to accomplish some of the
so we would need to look into that as well. And I for one am not
willing to
release my photos to AIS for ANYTHING THEY WANT TO USE IT FOR when
an iris, so there are implications for that as well. If a
unwilling to furnish a picture with that criteria, will we refuse
I think August 1 is a good starting point for gathering
to work
from NOT submitting a first set of guidelines. And your amended
motion says
that August first is the deadline for the first set of proposed
> Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 09:23:32 -0700
> From:
> Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
> To:
> The August 1 date is not the date for the final product and a
> implement a final product. It is for the first submission of a
proposed set
> of guidelines. After that set of guidelines is proposed, there
be more
> work to be done, changes to be made, etc. Without some idea
> guidelines) of what is to be accomplished, how are we to go
> opinions, ideas, input from sections, foreign iris societies,
> etc.? We have to start somewhere. An initial set of proposed
guidelines is
> the starting point. If we wait until we get all the details
> until everyone is consulted, wait until it is ready to be voted
> ever put down in a first proposal of what, how, who, when .....
> be accomplished. There will be time for input from all parties
before the
> final product is ready for a vote.
> Gary White
> --- On Mon, 3/21/11, cheryl deaton <>
> From: cheryl deaton <>
> Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
> To:
> Date: Monday, March 21, 2011, 10:58 AM
> I still think that August 1, 2011 is too early. Take into
that we
> will need some input from foreign iris societies and
not to
> mention input from sections, and summer is right smack in the
middle of
> shipping season for major gardens. We should be able to get some
input from
> Australia/New Zealand since it is their fall season, but getting
> into place by August first is not feasible. Gathering
> and
> information etc. would be in the infant stages with that
> to propose suggested guidelines.
> Cheryl
> > Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 08:04:49 -0700
> > From:
> > Subject: [AISdiscuss] Registration images - Amended motion
> > To:
> >
> > I wish to amend my motion to:
> >
> > A) The AIS Registrar shall begin requesting volunteer image
> > with registrations. Images shall be accepted by the Registrar,
> > the
> > AIS Library, and displayed on the Iris Encyclopedia.
of images
> to
> > the AIS constitutes permission for any and all AIS uses.
> >
> > B) The AIS President shall appoint a registration committee to
> > implementation of registration image collection, archiving,
> disposition.
> > This committee shall propose suggested guidelines for
registration images
> by
> > August 1, 2011.
> >
> > Gary White
> >
> >
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