Re: AIS PayPal Webpage

I agree with John's proposal.  Just because "it hasn't been done before",
does not mean it cannot start being done.  Way back when, women were not
allowed to vote - enough said!
We CANNOT afford to give everything away...costs need to be recovered in
some way, and John's proposal has merit.
Cheryl Deaton
----- Original Message -----
From: "John I Jones" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS PayPal Webpage

> On Jun 7, 2006, at 12:29 PM, Robt R Pries wrote:
> > I believe that it is likely that a payment for a
> > section is going to occur as part of the transaction
> > for renewal of AIS membership. Therefore unless people
> > are joining sections without joining AIS, the
> > transaction fee is moot.
> I am not sure that it will be all that uncommon for people to do
> individual section memberships. People may be renewing different
> memberships at different times during the year. Many will remember that
> the AIS site is the place to go for any membership.
> > The only part that needs to
> > be considered is the 2.9% of the totally transaction
> > which on a $10 section dues would be 30cents. If we
> > charged 30 cent for the transaction for each section
> > and the 30 cents that is the percentage of the
> > transaction to each section, than a person joining 3
> > sections would wind up having the AIS costs paid for
> > by the sections 3 transaction fees to the sections.
> True, and our website costs us to maintain. The cost tot he section
> would be no more than if someone were to go to that sections website
> and do a PayPal transaction. That is the real point.
> > The appearance would be that AIS is billing the
> > sections for its own paypal use.
> No, it is merely the same cost that they would pay of they had their
> own PayPal page.
> > Every section I
> > talked to has or is planning to have their own paypal
> > account so that people can join directly.
> I have talked to several sections that do not plan on having their own
> PayPal page.
> > The Japanese
> > Iris society got theirs set up in a few hours on a
> > weekend.
> Actually it takes several days to several weeks to set up the PayPal
> account depending whether you have online access to the bank account
> that is linked to to the PayPal account because you have to validate
> that several test deposits to the account.
> Once you have the proper code snippets for your site it does not take
> long to set up a page if you have direct access to the website server.
> (Interestingly enough, you cannot use the PayPal Subscription buttons
> if you want members to be able to pay with something other than a
> PayPal account. You have to use a standard produce button. The first
> two times I called PayPal support about that issue they could not
> explain it to me)
> It helps to have a full understanding of the context.
> > If we begin charging for a service that we
> > have been providing free in the past it tends to
> > further divide AIS from the sections. Since AIS has
> > not lead the way in this effort but is essentially
> > following section initiatives, I believe we have lost
> > the timimg for doing this as proposed.
> I do not believe that is true or particularly relevant. Only one
> society currently has a PayPal page and most of the others would like
> to use ours. SJI has not said they do not  want to be on ours even
> though they do have their own.
> >  If we had been
> > the first, then it would not be percieved as badly. I
> > would suggest now we need to think in terms of keeping
> > the present procedure of not billing, and the only
> > change is using paypal.
> I disagree. It is a service of convenience that costs the other society
> no more than if they were doing it themselves.
> John
> >
> >> When we process a PayPal (PP) payment we are charged
> >> 2.9% of the
> >> transaction value plus $.30 per transaction. Foreign
> >> currency
> >> transactions cost an additional 2.5% A multiple
> >> subscription
> >> transaction gets only a single transaction fee.
> >> ($.30).
> >>
> >> The question is how much do we remit to the other
> >> societies.
> >>
> >> We need to establish a standard as to how we charge
> >> the Sections and
> >> Cooperating Societies.
> >>
> >> I propose that we charge each non-AIS subscription
> >> the 2.9% and the
> >> $.30 transaction fee. That is the same amount that a
> >> Section and
> >> Cooperating Societie would be charged if they had
> >> their own PayPal
> >> service. This approach would allow Tom to use a
> >> simple lookup table to
> >> see how much to remit to the other group. It would
> >> mean that we would
> >> "earn" an additional $.30 for each subscription that
> >> came as part of a
> >> multiple subscription transaction.
> >>
> >> The same rate would apply to any non-AIS
> >> subscription that came in as a
> >> single transaction.
> >>
> >> The alternative would require Tom to calculate a
> >> separate charge for
> >> each subscription that came in as part of a multiple
> >> subscription
> >> transaction and distribute the Transaction Fee
> >> across all the
> >> subscriptions in a single transaction.
> >>
> >> In a separate discussion Tom Gormley has pointed
> >> out:
> >>
> >>> The existing arrangement we have with accepting
> >> credit card charges
> >>> for Offshore non-AIS Members and domestic
> >> AIS/Section members is that
> >>> we currently do not pass on the fees involved with
> >> these charges. This
> >>> is based on AIS Policy (see below) which is silent
> >> on the subject.
> >>>
> >>> It costs us $1.02 to process a $25.00 charge for
> >> AIS Members but since
> >>> most Section charges are about 30% of that I think
> >> we should continue
> >>> to provide this service gratis as a warm fuzzy to
> >> the Sections and
> >>> Co-ops. As Electronic payments (and membership)
> >> develop and grow we
> >>> can then revisit this issue. If we choose to
> >> charge them from the
> >>> get-go how do we handle our existing methodology
> >> on Section payments?
> >>>
> >>
> >> As far as I can tell through a search of the AIS
> >> minutes from 1988 thru
> >> 2003 the only mention of the Membership Secretary
> >> accepting credit card
> >> transactions is in Oct '97 when M. Harlow reported
> >> that she had sent
> >> out new ITJs that indicated the AIS would accept
> >> credit card
> >> transactions. There is no mention (that I could
> >> find) of whether AIS
> >> should or should not absorb the fee for a credit
> >> card transaction.
> >> There may have been a policy decision, but I cannot
> >> find mention of it.
> >>
> >> I propose (although I can't make this as a motion)
> >> that we no longer
> >> absorb the credit card charges for subscriptions to
> >> Sections and
> >> Cooperating Societies submitted to the membership
> >> office and that
> >> PayPal charges be deducted from the amounts remitted
> >> to the Sections
> >> and Cooperating Societies for subscriptions
> >> submitted thru the AIS
> >> PayPal page. If Sections and Cooperating Societies
> >> so choose they can
> >> specify an additional charge for credit card  or
> >> PayPal payments.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> MARCH, 2002
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The AlS Membership Office will accept dues for
> >> Sections and
> >>> Cooperating Societies when tendered by AIS members
> >> simultaneously with
> >>> their AIS dues and paid either by check, money
> >> order, or Visa or
> >>> MasterCard.
> >>>
> >>> All dues collected on behalf of Sections or
> >> Cooperating Societies are
> >>> forwarded by the AlS Membership Office to the
> >> appropriate recipients
> >>> during the first week of the month subsequent to
> >> the month in which
> >>> they were received by the Membership Office.
> >>>
> >>> As a special gesture of support to the Sections
> >> and Cooperating
> >>> Societies, the AlS Membership Office will accept
> >> dues from members of
> >>> these groups living outside the USA who are not
> >> also tendering AlS
> >>> dues simultaneously, including those who are not
> >> AlS members, when
> >>> those
> >>> persons pay with either Visa or MasterCard.
> >>>
> >>> Members of Sections or Cooperating Societies who
> >> live within the USA
> >>> and who are not paying AIS dues simultaneously
> >> should always send
> >>> their check for renewal directly to the membership
> >> chairman of the
> >>> appropriate Section or Cooperating Society.
> >>>
> >>> The AIS Membership Office does not accept charge
> >> payments for special
> >>> contributions to the Sections or Cooperating
> >> Societies.
> >>
> >> John                | "There be dragons here"
> >>                           |  Annotation used by
> >> ancient cartographers
> >>                           |  to indicate the edge of
> >> the known world.
> >>
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> John                | "There be dragons here"
>                           |  Annotation used by ancient cartographers
>                           |  to indicate the edge of the known world.
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