Re: AIS Website

It seems to me that John has outlined a reasonable
approach to begin some brainstorming about what we
want in a website. I would encourage anyone that cares
to send him a private e-mail about what they would
like to see in an AIS website.  In that way more
people should feel free to respond and not influence
each others vote.

I utilize websites frequently from many different
organizations and the range in quality varies
enormously. What we have right now can definitely be
improved but has still many merits. I have yet to see
a website that has everything I would like. The
Daylily site has obviously been redone recently
because it is different than I remember it. As
technology and experience expand I expect every
website to improve. In this age of computers I dont
believe we have as many limitations that make us do
one thing or the other. This means that sites can be
extensive serving many purposes. Of course there can
be only one first page. I do find the feature of a new
picture every time one returns to the Daylily homepage
an attractive feature but there are many aspects of
many websites that I find appealing. I find the links
section of the AIS website useful much in the way I
would use a phone book. But my needs are probably
different than a new or non-members needs. I would
suggest that our members of Discuss look at a variety
of plant society websites and provide as much feedback
as possible. Too often only a vocal minority register
their likes and dislikes.

--- John I Jones <> wrote:

> All,
> At the fall meeting the Board authorized me to do a
> redesign on the  
> AIS website.
> I would like to solicit ideas from all of you about
> the website. Some  
> of the things we need to consider in the redesign
> are:
> What is the main audience for the website? (AIS
> members? Non-AIS  
> members? Experienced iris growers? Beginner iris
> growers?  
> Hybridizers? People wanting to buy irises? Wanting
> to find clubs?  
> Other?[obviously I have not listed everything nor
> necessarily even  
> the most important ones])
> Why do you think they come to our website.
> What action do you want people to take when they
> first come to our  
> website.
> What do you think the primary emphasis of our site
> should be?
> While it is important to have as much information as
> possible on our  
> website, should we structure the site so that the
> most important  
> information for the highest use audience is the most
> readily  
> available.  If not what should be the highest
> priority?
> (Yes we want to have obvious links to the other
> types of information.)
> We do have a lot of information to manage, and there
> are several  
> technologies that can be used to navigate through
> that information.
> What are the best techniques (from a viewer
> perspective) for managing  
> menus? (Simple click on buttons? Click to a
> cascading menu? Rollover  
> cascading menus? Multi-level cascading menus?
> Other?)
> What websites demonstrate the kind of things you
> would like to see  
> for the AIS website?
> What other questions should be asked?
> What other ideas do you have?
> Thanks
> John
> To sign-off this list, send email to the AIS
> Secretary
> Pat Randall <>
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