Re: AIS Copyrighted Material
- To:
- Subject: Re: AIS Copyrighted Material
- From: Judy Keisling <>
- Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 12:31:45 -0700 (PDT)
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1370028705; bh=tutnyAVI/O5tQBKkKuD4h1LDZJk4WaD7zQaiDNmo+yE=; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Rocket-MIMEInfo:X-Mailer:References:Message-ID:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=ACALfqhJobIx+cSttN3sv+UOHe+kQ3ezzI6gBJWzUJx6dkuIkx/DyzCLk/dWMbgBC6sRYK26xwqQ5t4tj4FYRisXeuY7zUuWfmu04QnlykHlyFQEi657xSBzYfm962UeC5ND7anz+7NXPy93foe4RWTSN59DMNTKbnLaNRqsVUQ= s=s1024;; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Rocket-MIMEInfo:X-Mailer:References:Message-ID:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=6l+TFti69N3yE8UAHpruJBkHWAqIi9Lv562B+KW5rTIMgd+U98stisT6vFi+S06rdkP+QhgXOx1QSPi6OCULBMJvmUYP7Po6KpamHr0g4nw+gh4Dc/L8aaLXEFcH02kGtubaUksXtpOTnQk3i2BS2mt0u0lO7uOdWpb3NJwbD6k=;
Have been reading this thread for the past few days.
I agree with Tom Gormley
- we could nitpick this to death and even perhaps come
up with "guidelines"
that would be detrimental to the AIS education programs.
Case in point - the
copyright in the front of the JT Handbook and Basic Iris
Culture reads (BIC
has copyright date of 2011):
Copyright 2007 by The American AIS Society. All
rights reserved. No part of
this book may be reproduced without permission,
in writing, by The American Iris
Society except by a reviewer who wishes to
quote brief passages in connection
with a review for inclusion in a magazine
or newspaper.
Taken this literally, this would mean that no AIS
Judge/Instructor could copy
any of the pages to use in a training session;
likewise could not be copied
verbatim into a PPT program in JT classes. I
have attended several training
sessions where a page (or pages) have been
copied to give to students and/or
used in a PPT program. I don't think this
is uncommon. I doubt that any of
these instructors asked permission from
anyone in AIS -
I know nothing about copyright law - but the Doctrine of
Fair Use as described
by Bob Pries should cover my concerns since it seems to
specifically cover
educational purposes.
I would be more concerned about
individuals and/or entities outside of AIS and
its affiliates and members
using our materials without requesting permission,
although it's unclear from
whmo they would seek permission.
From: "" <>
Sent: Thu, May 30, 2013 11:54:35 AM
[AISdiscuss] AIS Copyrighted Material
The American Iris Society has
much information and data that is
copyrighted. We have recently sent a "cease
and desist" letter from our
Counsel to Longfield Gardens, LLC, Lakewood,
NJ for unauthorized use of AIS
copyrighted material with iris sales packages
at a COSTCO in California.
In addition, various members of AIS have received
requests to use and
reproduce AIS copyrighted materials. My questions to the
Board are: Who
should be designated to give approval to use our materials?
Should we have
internal approval process or not? I don't believe just
"anyone" or everyone
should have such authority. Should the approval point
be the President
and Legal Counsel or the Public Relations Chairman? Most
of you know that I
already have plenty on my plate. As an example I just
received a request
from Missouri Botanical Garden where Jean and I volunteer
as follows:
I plan on uploading the iris images I have taken into the
gardenbs (MOBOT)
database which will be accessible to the public. Each taxon
has a field
to describe the plant. I want to propose to plant records that
we put the
iris registry information in that field. First I would need
permission to
use the AIS copyrighted information from someone within the
Who should I contact?
Your opinions and quick feedback
would be appreciated.
Jim Morris
American Iris Society
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