Re: Putting 'Basic Iris Culture' booklet on the AIS web page

Seems like a good candidate for a portion of the
members only part of website. What incentive do we
have right now to get someone to join? whatever it is
it hasn;t been working well enough.

--- Paul W Gossett <> wrote:

> Kitty,
> Good suggestion.  The Tulsa club sells them for $1
> and we sold around 60
> this year at our two shows.  We also have free
> handouts but, we encourage
> them to buy the book as it might be easier to
> locate.
> Paul
> On Wed, 17 May 2006 08:04:18 -0700 "Loberg"
> <> writes:
> >    When my club does their show and puts on our
> summer sale, one of 
> > the 
> > important functions we have is to provide the
> visitors and buyers 
> > with 
> > information on how to grow irises.   The public
> always has questions 
> > on 
> > "what they are doing wrong" when their irises
> aren't blooming, or 
> > how to 
> > plant this new rhizome they're getting.    We try
> to have the Basic 
> > Iris 
> > Culture booklet available, but often the public
> isn't ready to buy 
> > booklets, 
> > they're just interested in getting the rhizomes.
> > 
> >    The AIS web page has a lot of wonderful
> information but not that 
> > much 
> > about iris culture (only a nice short article by
> Betty Wood).   Our 
> > club 
> > just can't seem to sell the Basic Iris Culture,
> even at $1.50, and 
> > we don't 
> > have enough club funds to just hand it out to
> everyone.   The 
> > booklet isn't 
> > that big, and it does have some diagrams and
> specific articles by 
> > iris type, 
> > which would be very helpful to the internet
> public.   Any chance of 
> > putting 
> > this small publication into .pdf format and
> placing it on the AIS 
> > web page? 
> > People could print it off if they liked, at their
> own printing cost. 
> >   It 
> > could get this booklet more widely distributed,
> and make good 
> > culture 
> > information readily available 365 days a year.
> > 
> > Kitty Loberg
> > 
> >
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> Secretary
> >
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