Re: 2006 Spring Insurance Report & Affiliate issues

Kitty, the breakdown of how many clubs had fees waived is in the Affiliate  
Chair report just posted on 
(  per  John Jones this AM.
Although I don't believe the discussion was in the minutes, there was  
considerable input from the attendees at the Fall 2005 Board meeting about the  
topic of Affiliation fees.  There was support for assessing the same amount  per 
affiliate instead of the 50% rule.  
Granted, the RVP checking of members for AIS membership for each affiliate  
(especially large ones like Region 14 and Region 18) is time consuming, it does 
 produce valuable data for AIS.  The AIS MemSec is ready and willing to  
assist RVP with this "checking" process and does so frequently during the  
Affiliation process each year.
And, if the affiliate reports from the RVP did not show non-AIS members, we  
would have no way of knowing how many total "people" we have and other 
important  data concerning % of members who are AIS. The current report shows that 
close to  50% of affiliate members are not AIS members (please read Brad's 
report for the  caveats!).
BTW - Brad, great,  concise report!  And hooray to Jeanne,  Patricia, John 
,and any others involved in getting these reports where we can  all see them 
(and formulate our questions) prior to the Board meetings!   Good job!
In a message dated 5/8/2006 12:31:41 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

In a  message dated 5/7/06 9:31:32 PM, writes:

> I  would be interested in knowing
> how many affiliates pay the $50 per  year affiliate fee as opposed to those
> who don't pay the fee because  they have 50% AIS membership.   I tried to
> find the  breakdown in the Apr. 05, Sept. 05, and March 2006 Treasurer's
>  reports, but don't see it broken out.   The process Region 14 RVPs  had to
> to check club membership for 50% AIS membership is always  a bit of a chore,
> (it was for me and other RVPs would tell me so  also), and so I'm suggesting
> it could serve two purposes to perhaps  ask for the Affiliate's insurance
> share at affiliate registration, and  skip the 50% membership checking.

The answer to this  question should be found in the records of the Affiliate's
Chairman, would  not be found in the Treasurer's report.

Rita  Gormley
RVP Region 18
Cedar Hill, MO
AIS Region 18, Zone  5

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