Fwd: Re: Fwd: E-memberships

I am forwarding a message i sent in comment to a
message sent by the Japanese iris society. As a
director of both AIS and ASI I am extending this
discussion to both. I believe that there couldbe  a
certain synergism for all groups to be working on this
together. If AIS is planning to show leadership in
this area now is the time to initiate some action. If
not then it will be whatever fate brings and I have
done my job as far as warning that now is the time to
act and make connections.
Note: forwarded message attached.
Received: from [] by web81908.mail.mud.yahoo.com via HTTP;
  Sun, 07 May 2006 10:48:02 PDT
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 10:48:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robt R Pries <rpries@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: Fwd: E-memberships
To: GormleyGreenery@aol.com
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I am all in favor of the concept of memberships, that
are totally electronic. But I think there are many
ways to define such a membership and they are not
without costs in time and money. It is important to
understand what one wants to offer, and to be clear
before one takes this step. As Dennis pointed out
passwords are needed, and their needs to be a person
that can be contacted when people forget their
password. It is also very different working in HTML,
the web format, than in regular e-mail and other
programs. There must be one or more people with
capabilities and willingness to volunteer the time.
Electronic media is usually expected to have
instantaneous response, so theses are not jobs that
can be done every week or so, but are in some ways
continuous 27/7. It may be necessary to pay a
webmaster in order to achieve the service that
everyone would expect.
	In its simplest form an e-membership would simply
receive the bulletin via e-mail. I am positive that
knowing human nature, it would rapidly become much
more. The picture that could not be included in the
printed issue, could be included on line. It will
rapidly mushroom from there. Obviously people with an
interest in the topic will want both e-membership, and
regular membership. But e-members alone are as much a
drain on resources, as print members, so charging less
for e-membership is dangerous, but I would expect most
people to want both, yet they will resent paying
double, so you will need three prices for membership;
one for print, one for e-members, and one  for both. 
	I understand that I am making this complex, but that
is the nature of the world today and as I say I think
it is dangerous to oversimplify. There is also the
consideration that AIS and other sections will no
doubt follow with e-memberships. It we contemplate all
costs being doubled than it becomes a strain on many
older members resources. Many may opt for belonging
to fewer groups or going to all e-memberships. There
needs to be considerable thought as to what a
particular effort will do to the overall picture of
the Iris society. Perhaps some planning should be done
in conjunction with AIS and other sections. The beauty
of many sections is that experimentation can occur.
But I also worry that we may fragment the Iris
community, if we dont pay attention to many

--- GormleyGreenery@aol.com wrote:

> What is your input on this?
> Rita  Gormley
> Gormley Greenery
> Cedar Hill, MO
> AIS Region 18, Zone  5
> http://www.gormleygreenery.com/
> > From: GormleyGreenery@aol.com
> Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 12:29:06 EDT
> Subject: Re: E-memberships
> To: academyhouse@yahoo.com
> In a message dated 5/7/2006 10:47:34 A.M. Central
> Daylight Time,  
> academyhouse@yahoo.com writes:
> The big plus for e-membership is that the postage
> problem goes away. For  it 
> to work, the section must be up and running with
> e-publishing. This  takes a 
> great deal of coordination with webmaster,
> membership secretary and  editor. It 
> would need to be done in real time--meaning that a
> person could  join on line 
> and get immediate access. Passwords would be
> required. Any time  there are 
> passwords, there are lost or forgotten passwords.
> Retrieval of  passwords would 
> need to be in real time also. There is software that
> handles  this very 
> well--but it comes at a cost. The question is
> deciding if or when it  is worth it.
> I can try to make the Section Meeting. Is that at
> Noon on Tuesday?
> Thanks.
> Dennis Hager
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From:  _Jandjcope@aol.com_
> (mailto:Jandjcope@aol.com)  
> To: _sjidirectors-owner@yahoogroups.com_ 
> (mailto:sjidirectors-owner@yahoogroups.com)   
> Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 7:22  AM
> Subject: E-memberships
> Hi,
> I have been told that the Section Meeting will
> (besides the overseas  
> memberships) be discussing e-memberships. Does
> anyone have any ideas on that  
> subject? I understand that Cathy will not at the
> convention. Do any of you  want to 
> attend the Section meeting with me?
> Best Wishes,
> Jill
> Is it the AIS Section Representative Meeting-then it
> is Tuesday 1:00 to  2:00 
> PM.  If it is the AIS Affiliated Societies meeting
> then it is Noon to  1:00. 
> Which is it?
> I'll try to be there too.
> Rita  Gormley
> Gormley Greenery
> Cedar Hill, MO
> AIS Region 18, Zone  5
> http://www.gormleygreenery.com/

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