Re: Wiki Move

After 15 years of PTA treasurer and budget committee work I am sure Bob is correct. If the expenditure doesn't exceed the already approved budgeted amount for a task then a vote is not required. Let the appointed committee do its work. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 6, 2013, at 6:00 AM, "Robert Pries " <> wrote:

> A verbal contract for services for a task is precedented by John Jones when he has had various e-services performed during the website restructure. Unless it exceeds the amount already approved I do not believe it even requires a vote.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Susan Boyce" <>
> To: "aisdiscuss" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 9:15:44 PM
> Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Wiki Move
> Hi all,
>   I hate to rain on Bob's parade, but.....  if we are paying a person
> $1,000.00 a year to perform a service for AIS, then that person needs to have
> a contract, and anytime we are paying a person money for services performed,
> then doesn't the board have to approve this?
>   Just wondering.
> Susan
>> Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 19:53:04 -0400
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Wiki Move
>> Last fall the board approved moving the Iris Encyclopedia off the current
> host server because it was causing that along with E-membership and lots of
> AIS stuff to crash. The old server was just not adequate to the job. $2,500
> was included in the PR budget to accomplish the task.
>> The $2,500 was the minimum payment we could make to Confluence who was going
> to host the wiki. But a number of issues made this a less desirable move. We
> would have to eliminate the hundreds of contributors which really is the
> essence of a wiki down to a handful. In negotiating with Confluence and our
> present host, It became obvious that the current server would not support the
> Confluence transition software. So an outside consultant would be needed to
> move to wiki to a second platform, convert it and then transfer it to
> Confluence. This scared me because consultants cost money and the whole thing
> seems to be getting out of hand. But I have good news.
>> I found Tim Valenzuella who advised me that the Confluence software would be
> a problem for the number of images in the Wiki. But he pointed out that TWiki
> actually performs quite well when given an adequate server to work from. He
> has agreed to move the wiki to a new server and act as the host. Not only that
> but he believes he can improve some of the TWiki software so not only will we
> have the capacity to continue, but to improve without losing all those users.
> Tim's fee for hosting is $1000 a year compared to $2500 with Confluence. He
> also agreed to complete the transfer and solve any glitches for a one time
> charge of $1,000. Since this is below the budgeted amount and promises to work
> better it seemed like a no-brainer to go forward. I discussed this with the PR
> committee and with the president and everyone feels we are getting a good
> deaL. Look forward to improved service after a very short read only time.
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