Re: Re: AIS Finances

Don't hide Clarence!  These things really need addressing.  There MUST be
cheaper insurance somewhere for non-profits, or a variation of the policy we
have now, otherwise, how could they stay operational???  I do think that
each section, affiliate and/or region should contribute to the insurance,
since even if they think 'they don't use it', they do.  The misconception
arrises from the additional rider necessary for some clubs holding shows.
If necessary, my club would (and has) paid for the cost of the rider for the was always in the show budget.  Maybe we should explore this area,
too.  Does anyone know where we could start?
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Re: AIS Finances

> I seem to have upset some of my friends with my comments re AIS insurance,
> and for that I am sorry.  But facts have to be faced. I expect the next
> suggestion to come up will be to cut back to 3 Bulletins a year, after 85
years  of
> issuing 4 Bulletins a year. That would be a disaster in my opinion.  And I
> say, "NO!"
> At the present time, considering the types of members we have and the
> structure, it takes the annual dues of about 1,000 members to  pay the
> insurance bill.
> There are other options but they are not for the most part happy  ones.
> of us have been down this path before.  The Society cannot  survive
> on  local clubs and regions to pitch in. A formal  assessment for
insurance is
> not unreasonable--if the affiliates, regions and  sections want to do it.
> About $150 a year from each affiliate, region and  section would probably
> close to the $20,000 required. (This is only a rough  estimate)  Would the
> affialiates, sections and regions vote to do  this?   Hiding out in
McLean, VA,
> Clarence
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