Life Memberships

Hello Everyone on AIS Discuss:

I would be in favor of eliminating O/S life Membership and only have it as
an Honorary "thing."

Eliminating US Life Memberships, in my opinion should be discussed at an
open board meeting as will as the banning of triennials. We need to involve
our membership in decision making that effects them.  As it is-people think
the board is making decisions for them. and everyone is from the west coast.
I couldn't believe what I heard at convention.  

I had thought at our Fall  2004 Board Meeting the purpose of increasing
memberships and other items was to take care of our budgetary problems. We
were going to revisit increases at a later time.  I would hate to see our
overall membership fall off.  Local membership numbers as well as National
numbers are dropping.  Maybe, we need to get more creative in our
spending/budget.  School systems are also feeling the budget "crunch."  With
insurance, gas prices, and other services going up people want more for
their "buck."  the overall effect might not result in a positive solution.

With banning multiple triennial purchases-I guess-I could say-I think AIS
membership would suffer.  I always prefer to get a "good Deal."  Remembering
to pay for something every year can be a pain.  I would forget and affiliate
Chair people would have more work-reminding people to renew their
memberships.  Our Judge programs would also have problems.  

These are just my thoughts-but I will go along with the board.. But--I feel
we owe the AIS Membership a explanation in a letter of why we took this

In iris,
Donna James

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