Re: Life Memberships

Another point to consider regarding the elimination of life memberships,
whether by Board action or Bylaws change is why members purchase a life
membership.  In Region 22 the majority (but certainly not all) of the life
memberships are held by persons who are currently or previously serving AIS
in leadership positions.  Most of these folks are of an age that would be
described as "mature."  So, I'd venture a guess that one reason for a
membership renewal at the Life category is as much convenience as it is
economics.  I know several folks who've said that they know they'll never
outlive what they paid for a Life membership versus renewing at a triennial
status but they purchased the life membership anyway so they wouldn't have
to worry about letting their membership lapse.  (As our age advances, our
mental faculties seem to recede.)  From the individual's perspective, not
everything is driven by money.  Just thought I'd throw this thought out for

Carol Goldsberry
Region 22 RVP
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Life Memberships

> Point of order!
> The Board cannot vote to discontinue life memberships. The  category of
> membership is established by the By-Laws of the  Society and can only be
> discontinued by a change of the By-Laws, and  voted on by the entire AIS
> The Board can vote to change the cost of life memberships, but I
> think any change in dues should be done at the regular meeting of the
> not  over the Internet.
> I do think it is reasonable to have a different price place on life
> membership for U.S./Canadian members and overseas members. But I think
even this
> should be discussed in an open membership meeting with a full rationale as
to  why
> it is desirable. There is no need to antagonize our overseas members (and
> there are VERY few overseas life members anyway).
> As for changing the By-laws to discontinue life memberships, I am  unconv
> inced it is a smart thing to do. Most organizations I belong to have life
> memberships, and it is a long tradition in AIS. Traditions are important.
And in
> any event, a vote to change the By-laws should only be done at the
> Board meeting.
> It has only been in the past few years that the abnormally low interest
> rates have caused the income from a life membership to generate inadequate
> revenue.  Over many long years the interest income from a life membership
more than
> covered the cost of an annual membership. AND interest rates are not
> to stay low forever.
> Over the long run, the present value of money makes a life  membership an
> income producing category unless life memberships are priced too  low. If
> is deemed necessary, it would be wiser to reprice the life  memberships
> to discontinue them. But I strongly recommend that any  repricing be done
> regular open board meetings. Perceived secrecy is the enemy  of
> cohesion. Especially when the subject is money.
> Warm wishes to all, Clarence
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