Re: Life Memberships

Hello Everyone on AIS Discuss...

Just to bring you up to speed. Below are the previous emails that have brought up the subject of Life Memberships for discussion along with Judy Keisling's comments.

There is a motion and second on the floor. However, I am not going to call for a vote (via AISVote) until there is more time for discussion...say three days. If we make a decision realtively quickly it would be great to get it into the July Bulletin and I don't know when Bruce's deadline is for that yet.

My opinion on this topic is in agreement with Jeanne and Jay. If we do this I think we should do it effective immediately so we don't get flooded with new Life Memberships. Most magazines I subscribe to allow you to buy a 2-year sub but not more than that.

Jill Bonino

Hi All
I hope I hit the right button?
For purposes of discussion, I will second Jay's motion to discontinue
life memberships.
If this discussion is about 32 O/S out of 358 domestic, I fail to see
the economic impact on the society.
Ever since I graduated from college (1968) and immediately went to work
at a 56 hour a week job(construction costs were going up 1 or 2 % per
month and Architects were paid incentives to get jobs off the drawing
board fast), interest rates were well above double digit , probably
around 18%. Investing in Life memberships was a good idea for AIS.
Interest hit 28% at the height of the Reagan years and they only dropped
thru the floor after 9/11. So, we are caught in a short term glitch with
the unknown still ahead of us. It is a temporary problem but one that
AIS can do without with no particular financial repurcussions. Life (for
AIS) can be simpler!
The board seems to be attaching life memberships to honorary awards
which should be no problem as most have been near unanimous votes.A
"super majority " should have almost no impact on the outcome.
Yup, raining AGAIN! wrote:


I agree with Jeanne on all points. Following a yes vote by the board
to discontinue life memberships it should be removed from the

I would like to make a motion to the board to immediately discontinue
offering Life Memberships except where the board by a super majority
(2/3 vote) approves the issuance of special life memberships. This
action will not affect current life members in any way.


At 11:54 AM -0400 6/6/05, wrote:

Dear Tom:
    It would appear there has been a pricing oversight with O/S
Life Memberships.  There is, however, little that can be done about
existing O/S Lifers.
    Although it is important that the Life membership O/S rate be
changed. should it continue to be offered,  my personal feeling is
that AIS should discontinue offering Life Membership of any kind as
an option, except, perhaps as an Honorary thing (such as to AIS
PResidents, although it wouldn't effect me since Bob and I have a
dual Life membership already.)
    In reality, I believe we (AIS) can not afford Life Memberships
and few groups offer that plan as an option anymore. (One surely can
not subscribe to a magazine that way.)
    I want to go on record  that I am not in favor of "selling"
multiple triennials either.  It absolutely hurts our financial flow
which is in serious need of closing, not opening, the flood gates.
    In truth, I would rather entertain a discussion about ceasing
to offer Life Memberships.  We would have to maintain the ones we
have, of course, but we would no longer make that a membership
    As far as I can see (and I discussed this with Bob) it will be
VERY difficult to request additional postage payment from our O/S
Lifers for our lack of insight to the future of postage rates and
production costs. To do that to them would mean it should be done to
ALL Life members, many of whom became Lifers at a ridiculous sum
compared to today's cost of production and interest rates for money
in restricted funds
    That's my opinion -- how do you see it?

In a message dated 6/6/05 8:07:45 AM, GormleyGreenery writes:

The current dues schedule we have is below.  There appears to be no
"surcharge for mailing" to overseas members as there is with Annual
and Triennial O/S memberships.  There is nothing to that effect in
the MemSec files nor computer base "Type" designation.  We current
have 358 Single Life Memberships with 32 of those overseas and 115
Dual Life Memberships with 2 of them overseas.  Should we be
surcharging the O/S Life memberships for mailing?
Dues go up 4-1-05 to

Single Annual $25.00

Dual Annual   $30.00

Single Triennial  $60.00

Dual Triennial    $75.00

Life Memberships are available.

Life Single:    $450.00

Life Dual:       $545.00

Senior Life (age 65+): 15% discount. (For Dual Senior Life, both
members must be 65 or older.)  15% Senior Discount applies only to
Life Membership.

Youth Rates (under Age 19)

Youth without Bulletin   $5.00

Youth with Bulletin                    $9.00


Single Annual $30.00

Dual Annual   $35.00

Single Triennial  $65.00

Dual Triennial    $80.00

Tom Gormley
Gormley Greenery
Cedar Hill, MO
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Judy Keisling" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 5:39 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Life Memberships

I agree that AIS should discontinue making life memberships available for purchase, but that this type of membership will be retained and awarded by AIS in special circumstances as defined by the Board.

However, should the final vote be in favor of discontinuing these memberships for sale, I think that Jeanne should address this in her President's letter with an explanation of why the Board took this action.

I will be out of the country from June 8 - 15 and will not have access to email during that time -- so will be unable to participate in further discussions on this issue or vote on this until I return.


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