Re: Life Memberships

AIS Board,

    As I read Jeannie's message there are three distinct issues we are 
discussing: 1. O/S Life memberships; 2. US Life Memberships: and 3. banning the 
purchase of multiple triennial memberships.  While 1 & 2 maybe combined into a 
motion, I don't think 3. is a wise move and at the very least it should be 
discussed at a scheduled Board meeting.  Frankly, issues that monetarily affect 
members should have the full airing of a scheduled Board meeting.


    1. Eliminating O/S Life memberships.

        The AIS has no ability to protect itself from currency fluctuations 
between countries; therefore, we should immediately eliminate this membership 
option by electronic vote.

    2. Eliminating US Life Memberships:

        Electronic voting would be viewed by the membership as a secret vote 
without allowing for input from them.  While this discussion has merit, it 
should only be voted on in an open Board meeting.  Personally, I'm not supportive 
of doing this at this time.

    3.  Banning multiple triennial purchases:

        Eliminating this option for the AIS membership would be viewed very 
negatively and probably be revenue neutral at best.  In practice this behavior 
of some members to buy multiple membership in advance of a dues increase 
usually produces extra revenue in the years of our worst budget shortfalls.  This 
is because we don't increase dues until we are running in the red!  A practice 
of increasing dues modestly every 3 years would probably do wonders for our 
"boom & bust" budgetary cycles.  Also, it would minimize the practice of 
multiple membership purchases.

There is a saying that goes something like this: "Every solution creates its 
own set of problems."  

Therefore, it is best to give serious consideration to all Board actions, 
because actions that restrict the options of the members will likely produce a 
set of negative problems.  We should be looking at ways to INCREASE options 
because then there is a possibility of producing some positive "problems."  

It is raining here again too and the temperature is 42 degrees.


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