Re: My second AIS ballot issue -- three iris per class on the Dy...

There was very little discussion on such a major change to our AIS Awards  
system.  I would have liked to have seen a bit of study go into this.   I 
seem to recall that years ago when we made the change to award three Wister  
medals some thought that after a few years we would readdress reducing the  
Wister to one medal award each year as the TB eligibles would have been in  
appropriate numbers.  At a minimum I would have liked to see  the Sections 
and the Judges' Training Handbook Revision committee be  involved.  Just 
saying.  This is a knotty problem and Gerry has  proposed one solution.  Gerry 
put this out before the issue arose  which is to his credit. 
Jim Morris
American Iris Society 
In a message dated 7/29/2014 10:22:01 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

As I  mentioned my email of 6:54 AM today, the time for 
discussing/opining on  the above motion had concluded and it is now out 
for vote.   All  comments should have been addressed during the period of  


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