Re: CAPS #3

Sue Ann,
Thanks for doing so.  You are the second region that has responded  thusly. 
 Love your Eleanor Roosevelt quotation.  Also enjoyed your  write-up of the 
Addison garden in Dallas in IRISES.  Cheers.
Jim Morris
American Iris Society
In a message dated 7/29/2014 11:34:14 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Bob, I  do not know about the .AIS board but some of us are not only 
reading but  sharing your reports with our region boards and club 
presidents. sue  region 7

Sue Ann Barnes
205 Westwood Ave
Jackson, TN  38301
"Never  mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living, the 
other helps  you make a life."
---Eleanor Roosevelt (PBK, Radcliffe College,  1941)

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Robert Pries   wrote:

> Report #3; Partnering.
> First, I am not sure I  should be sending these now considering I have 
> had no response that  anyone has read them. Maybe I should be sending 
> them later when we  are done planting.
> Another topic that was discussed at CAPS was  Partnering. This is an in 
> word right now in corporate America and  Non-profits. Essentially it 
> refers to the fact that sometimes two or  more groups can help each 
> other by working together.
> This is  nothing new. In 1993 I put on an Iris symposium (note a real 
>  symposium with 12 speakers) not a popularity poll in partnership with 
>  the Missouri Botanical Gardens, the American Rock Garden Society, 
>  SIGNA, and the local St. Louis Affiliate. The Budget was over 60,000 
>  probably equivalent to $90,000 in todays money. It was a phenomenal 
>  success for everyone involved. This shows how things can be done with 
>  enough partners.
> It was suggested at the meeting that conventions  which are costly and 
> have been flagging in attendance, might be a  potential area for 
> partnering. Several years ago we had a convention  in Wisconsin. 
> Coincidentally the Peony Society had their convention  at exactly the 
> same time with some overlapping venues. If we had only  known we could 
> have partnered ensuring better numbers for the  convention hotel, etc. 
> The Rose society suggested it might be  possible to partner with us 
> since in some parts of the country the  seasons are overlapping.
> Whether it be with other societies, botanical  gardens, or some other 
> entity we should keep our eyes open for  partnering possibilities.
> -- 
> Bob Pries Zone  7a Roxboro, NC (336)597-8805
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