RE: Exhibition shipping rates

Hi all,

   In response to Janet's email about the USPS "route" boxes.  These are actually called Regional Rate boxes.  I did look into these when they started about 3 years ago, but I decided against them.  The USPS site is difficult to navigate, but you can get excellent info about all of the USPS rates from which is an independent partner of the USPS.  

   It states:  "The USPS Priority Mail Regional Rates boxes are a low cost shipping alternative for customers who purchase and print labels online.  Regional Rate boxes provide shippers with a low cost mail class for packages traveling short distances.  Pricing for Regional Rate boxes is zone based.  There are 9 zones in the US and the rates are based on the distance from the original package location to the delivery destination."  

   More info from the USPS website states that "Regional Rate boxes are strictly an online service, and if you pay for the postage at the post office you will be charged an additional fee. (75 cents).

   There are different sizes to the Regional Rate boxes.  Boxes A, B, and C.  Box A is the smallest and Box C is the largest.  Box C will be discontinued this month when the new rates start.
    Here's some more info to chew on.

1st.  The current rates listed for Regional Rate boxes, have a discount built into it IF you purchase and print your own labels online, but when you have to weigh the packages, input the info on the computer, pay for each individual purchase, print up the labels, trim the paper, and tape all the edges of the label down, this process gets very time consuming, especially when you have to do anywhere from 5 to 10 packages at a time.  (I could buy self stick paper, but then again that is another added expense and you still have to tape down the edges.)  Also when the new rates go into effect this month, this discount will be discontinued.

2nd. When the new postage rates go into effect this month, the Regional Rate boxes base price is going up by 20 percent.

3rd. These Regional rate boxes are best used for mailing boxes inside your postal zone area.  The higher away your destination zone is from you, the price rates go up for each higher zone. 

   I hope that this information helps.

Susan Boyce


Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2016 14:21:03 -0500
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Exhibition shipping rates

Dorothy here again. I found the following on the USPS site and wonder if this might be what Janet means?  At any rate, it does not look like it would work for us. Oh, well.


Regional Rate Boxes

1.6.1 Price and Eligibility

Regional Rate Box prices are available to Priority Mail customers who useUSPS-produced Priority Mail Regional Rate Boxes. Prices are based on box size and zone. Regional Rate Boxes exceeding the maximum weight as specified in 1.6.2, or the container flaps do not close within the normal folds will be assessed the applicable single-piece Priority Mail price.

1.6.2 Regional Rate Box Options

Regional Rate Box options are:

a.Box A: (Side loading or top loading box) has a maximum weight limit of 15pounds.

b.Box B: (Side loading or top loading box) has a maximum weight limit of 20pounds.

c.Box C: (Top loading box only) has a maximum weight limit of 25 pounds.

In a message dated 1/3/2016 1:57:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I don’t see an obvious link on the USPS website. Since you have soem prior information, can you provide a link on the USPS website with the information on the Route boxes?
John Jones
Director, American Iris Society

> On Jan 3, 2016, at 3:42 AM, wrote:
> I didn't know this until a few weeks ago.  USPS has "route" boxes that are
> lower in price than "flat rate".  You have to order them from USPS online
> but supposedly these Route A, B or C boxes can save money. 
> A thought to ponder,
> Janet Smith

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