Re: Exhibition shipping rates

Dorothy here again. I found the following on the USPS site and wonder if this might be what Janet means?  At any rate, it does not look like it would work for us. Oh, well.


Regional Rate Boxes

1.6.1 Price and Eligibility

Regional Rate Box prices are available to Priority Mail customers who useUSPS-produced Priority Mail Regional Rate Boxes. Prices are based on box size and zone. Regional Rate Boxes exceeding the maximum weight as specified in 1.6.2, or the container flaps do not close within the normal folds will be assessed the applicable single-piece Priority Mail price.

1.6.2 Regional Rate Box Options

Regional Rate Box options are:

a.Box A: (Side loading or top loading box) has a maximum weight limit of 15pounds.

b.Box B: (Side loading or top loading box) has a maximum weight limit of 20pounds.

c.Box C: (Top loading box only) has a maximum weight limit of 25 pounds.

In a message dated 1/3/2016 1:57:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I don’t see an obvious link on the USPS website. Since you have soem prior information, can you provide a link on the USPS website with the information on the Route boxes?
John Jones
Director, American Iris Society

> On Jan 3, 2016, at 3:42 AM, wrote:
> I didn't know this until a few weeks ago.  USPS has "route" boxes that are
> lower in price than "flat rate".  You have to order them from USPS online
> but supposedly these Route A, B or C boxes can save money. 
> A thought to ponder,
> Janet Smith

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