Re: Exhibition shipping rates

I don’t see an obvious link on the USPS website. Since you have soem prior information, can you provide a link on the USPS website with the information on the Route boxes?
John Jones
Director, American Iris Society

> On Jan 3, 2016, at 3:42 AM, wrote:
> I didn't know this until a few weeks ago.  USPS has "route" boxes that are
> lower in price than "flat rate".  You have to order them from USPS online
> but supposedly these Route A, B or C boxes can save money.  
> A thought to ponder,
> Janet Smith
> On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 23:57:35 -0500, wrote:
>> I'll second Susan's motion.
>> Lois Rose
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jan 2, 2016, at 7:24 PM, Susan Boyce  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> At the fall board meeting I mentioned that I would get back to the
> board
>> if the shipping rates go up. Unfortunately, the last week of November my
>> husband was injured in an accident and had complications and I lost 3
>> weeks of time and I did not follow up on checking possible USPS rate
>> increases. 
>> I did find out earlier this week that the postage rates for stamps and
>> postcards are staying the same price, but for packages, the shipping
>> rates will indeed go up. (The shipping prices did not increase in 2015).
>> About 60 percent of the orders are sent out via priority mail medium
> flat
>> rate boxes. They are going up 80 cents which is an increase of 7
> percent.
>> Another 35 percent of the orders are sent out via priority mail in
> medium
>> boxes. These are the orders that are lighter in weight and cost less
> than
>> the price of the priority mail flat rate boxes, and are shipped to areas
>> of the United States that are closer to me. (California to Texas). These
>> rates are going up 12 percent. With these price increases we will need
> to
>> raise the Exhibition shipping rate to $14.00. 
>> So, I move: "That we raise the Shipping and Handling fee for the
>> Exhibition supplies from $13.00 to $14.00 effective Jan 15, 2016."
>> Susan Boyce
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1]
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