Re: Exhibition shipping rates

I'll second Susan's motion.

Lois Rose

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On Jan 2, 2016, at 7:24 PM, Susan Boyce <> wrote:

Hi all,
  At the fall board meeting I mentioned that I would get back to the board if the shipping rates go up.  Unfortunately, the last week of November my husband was injured in an accident and had complications and I lost 3 weeks of time and I did not follow up on checking  possible USPS rate increases. 
   I did find out earlier this week that the postage rates for stamps and postcards are staying the same price, but for packages, the shipping rates will indeed go up.  (The shipping prices did not increase in 2015).  About 60 percent of the orders are sent out via priority mail medium flat rate boxes. They are going up 80 cents which is an increase of 7 percent.  Another 35 percent of the orders are sent out via priority mail in medium boxes.  These are the orders that are lighter in weight and cost less than the price of the priority mail flat rate boxes, and are shipped to areas of the United States that are closer to me. (California to Texas).  These rates are going up 12 percent.  With these price increases we will need to raise the Exhibition shipping rate to $14.00. 
  So, I move:  "That we raise the Shipping and Handling fee for the Exhibition supplies from $13.00 to $14.00 effective Jan 15, 2016."
Susan Boyce

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