Re: AIS Website

"John: I can not vouch for the following; but I have been told that some 
service providers keep a record of
how many people visit a website they service and have stats on where they 
came from to get to the site. This
moght be some interesting statics that wemight pursue? I would love to know 
how many hits our website gets a
month. (Bob Pries)"

Here's a site meter that does this sort of thing:  Take the 
"tour" and you'll see how it reports on where hits are coming from, by state 
and city.   They have a free basic account, and a premium account for a 
small fee.  I've used this free site meter at work and for non profits. 
They actually email you a recap weekly.  You just add their generated site 
meter to your html source for any page you want to monitor.

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