Fwd: Re: Iris Information PHOTOS NEEDED

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I am hoping that someone may have these photos.
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Subject: Re: Iris Information
To: Robt R Pries <rpries@sbcglobal.net>
X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 6.0.2CF2 July 23, 2003
From: Larry Stritch <lstritch@fs.fed.us>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:47:15 -0500
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Hi Robert,

I can use your assistance.  I am in need of photos of Iris tenuis and Iris
hexagona var. savannarum.  I need high quality images from 750k to 1.5megs.



Lawrence R. Stritch, Ph.D.
National Botanist
USDA Forest Service - WO
Range Staff, 3S
201 14th Street, SW
Washington DC 20250
Phone 202-205-1279

             Robt R Pries                                                  
             .net>                                                      To 
                                       Larry Stritch <lstritch@fs.fed.us>  
             02/26/2007 04:14                                           cc 
                                       Iris Information                    


I enjoyed our conversation. Here is the url for the
Iris species database a pictorial resource for species
http://www.badbear.com/signa/signa.pl?Introduction .

Unfortunately our webmaster only has our conservation
policy posted within our board minutes on page 11.
here is the direct url

I believe we will want to link to the Forest Service
site when you are ready. I hope for productive
associations in the future.

Sincerely Bob Pries.

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