Re: Communications, and Public Relations

<<I do not see that Bob Pries' role and the memsec  role are related in any 
way, other than feedback, >>
Both apparently involve taking inquiries  from the general public about AIS, 
AIS membership, and,  presumptively, irises. The public thinks Public 
Relations means relations  with them, which it does, although not generally one on 
one, as it  were. 
<<I would, personally, be very interested  in seeing Anner's responses if 
they are still available. They could  influence my pespective on "how the world 
For best insights along this line I encourage you to rely  upon your current 
Membership Secretary, whose privilege and duty it is to  supply them.I 
mentioned my practice of sending prefab literature  solely as one simple means of 
managing a volume of predictable incoming  correspondence from the public in an 
efficient, but still  personalized, manner. 
<< If you cant do it yourself,  dont fix it.
I'd say someone well up the chain of command needs to  discuss specifics of 
cases with Mr. Pries, especially as regards RVPs, but  not discuss them here. 
Anner Whitehead

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