Comments on AISDiscuss

When I first presented the concept of AISDiscuss, I envisioned a list that would be open to comments from non-list members. While currently the Archives are open to anyone to read, the board decided at some point that the list should only accept posts from those on the subscribed list.

I have always thought that it would benefit us to hear the opinions of other AIS members, or others that have an interest in irises but may not be AIS members. It would be, after all, an opportunity to interest them in a membership.

We could construct the process to allow anyone to post or only AIS Members, or only those that directly ask to be included. We could also allow individuals who so elect to receive AISDiscuss email but not post, saving them the trouble of going to th earchives. Technology allows us to do most anything we want.

Granted we might get the occasional spam or inappropriate post, but we can easily deal with those issues. In my experience with and we have very few problems like that and issues easily solved. We have virus and trojan detection service on AISDiscuss to protect us from attacks of that sort.

I think it is a good idea for us to hear from sources outside our enclave, you never know where or when a good idea is going to show up.

The simplest way and that which allows us the greatest control and flexibility is to allow anyone that requests it to be made a subscriber to AISDiscuss.

I would hope that we could consider this and perhaps take some action at th fall board meeting.

Thanks for listening


Electronics Services Chair

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