Re: New Motion

One of the goals I have had for the Encyclopedia is to involve as many people as possible in its construction so that it is truly an AIS construct. The wiki platform is a collaborative tool. To encourage this at times I have started a topic hoping that others would add to it. Sometimes I get distracted and move to something more pressing. Sometimes the topic has a certain amount of information but I would like to see more or pictures added. These are all reasons for my note bunder constructionb. I will note that ALL THINGS PLANTS has many iris entries with only a name, but they do not say under construction. Of course all of the reserved names that ATP took from the Iris Register lack descriptions. The Iris register also has only a name for most 1939 or 1949 iris so ATP does not have those either. If one looks at these types of Entries on ATP they simply have the look of empty boxes of parameters not filled in. They do not say under construction but it is obvious that ther!
 e is nothing there. I think it is now rare in the Encyclopedia for there to be a page with only a title and under construction. 

I use the term phrase under construction because I expect much more. Presently there are about 6,000 pages in the Encyclopedia that are not Cultivar pages. Writing an Encyclopedia is not easy. It may take several years before I eliminate all the under construction. The more people I have helping the faster it will become a finished product. Presently more workers have been tackling topic pages since we seem to have most all the cultivar pages put up.  I will begin putting a B)AIS on more of these and probably should include the many in which I have personally written the copy. 

I can create the B)AIS as a link to a page with a message about how to contact AIS for seeking permission to copy material. If I can find it in the archives I could place the Intellectual Property Committee report there.  

We have a very long way to go before the Encyclopedia is perfected. I often feel it in some respects will always be in the act of being created and will continue to evolve. As it matures I am sure it will seem like less of a draft copy and I use bunder constructionb less and less. Many people find it useful now. I would love for it to get to a stage where any type of iris information can be found. It took 5 years to include 98% of the cultivars. I hope in another 5 it will be a stimulating resource that is more than a checklist.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathleen Sonntag" <>
To: "AISDiscuss" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] New Motion

I would rather see pages that are under construction finished and poor
representations of irises in the photo collections removed. I always seem
to look for information that hasn9t been posted yet. With so much
available in the wiki, I know that is just my bad luck. I don9t buy
lottery tickets! 

Note: Google books prevents downloads and printing of books available on
their website. You can search an online volume and read parts of the book.
I don9t have a clue how they do it.  Kathleen

On 9/11/14, 12:59 PM, "Wayne Messer" <>

>I think adding "The World of Irises" to the Iris Encyclopedia would be a
>great addition.  Even if it were selling well, I would still like to see
>parts of it there.  In addition to boosting the Iris Encyclopedia as THE
>Iris Reference, it might help market the book.
>We could add a notation to pages coming (primarily) from The World of
>Irises such as:
>Use of material from "The World of Irises" in the Iris Encyclopedia
><> has been approved by The American Iris
>Society <>, copyright owner.  You can order "The
>World of Irises" 
>(hardcover) online.
>Where the links are to the main page of the Iris Encyclopedia, the AIS
>website, and the AIS Storefront page, respectively.
>Wayne Messer
>On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Gerry Snyder
>> wrote:
>> If "The World of Iris" were an actively-selling book this might be
>> questionable, but in the present circumstances I don't see any problems.
>> Gerry Snyder
>> Intellectual Property Committee member
>> On 9/8/2014 9:36 AM, Robert Pries wrote:
>>> I have been busy putting articles from old journals onto the
>>> and
>>> from more recent B  journals as I can get copyright permission. To this
>>> end I
>>> would like to make the following motion.
>>> The AIS gives permission to copy chapters from b The World of Irisb
>>>to be
>>> included into various topic areas of the Encyclopedia.
>>> --
>>> Bob Pries
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Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC

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