Re: New Motion

I think adding "The World of Irises" to the Iris Encyclopedia would be a
great addition.  Even if it were selling well, I would still like to see
parts of it there.  In addition to boosting the Iris Encyclopedia as THE
Iris Reference, it might help market the book.

We could add a notation to pages coming (primarily) from The World of
Irises such as:

Use of material from "The World of Irises" in the Iris Encyclopedia
<> has been approved by The American Iris
Society <>, copyright owner.  You can order "The
World of Irises" <>
(hardcover) online.

Where the links are to the main page of the Iris Encyclopedia, the AIS
website, and the AIS Storefront page, respectively.


Wayne Messer

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Gerry Snyder <
> wrote:

> If "The World of Iris" were an actively-selling book this might be
> questionable, but in the present circumstances I don't see any problems.
> Gerry Snyder
> Intellectual Property Committee member
> On 9/8/2014 9:36 AM, Robert Pries wrote:
>> I have been busy putting articles from old journals onto the Encyclopedia
>> and
>> from more recent B  journals as I can get copyright permission. To this
>> end I
>> would like to make the following motion.
>> The AIS gives permission to copy chapters from b The World of Irisb  to be
>> included into various topic areas of the Encyclopedia.
>> --
>> Bob Pries
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