Re: DISASTER PLAN (One Giant Leap For....)

Sound financial management practices are difficult to implement when there is limited staff. It doesn't matter whether it is a volunteer organization, small business or local government. Financial management is much more complex than documenting where the money goes.

I would not suggest that AIS is not managing its finances well, I was only trying to point out that the Board is responsible for the workings of the organization. The Board's responsibility is the same whether the person is paid or not. However, if the person is paid, there is a more reasonable recourse when the job is not done--and there is another incentive to do the job correctly. When one of the volunteers does not do the job, there is very little recourse.

It is obvious that the current operations model of the AIS is not sustainable. The organization needs to recognize its assets, capitalize on its strengths and plug its weaknesses.

Questions that need to be asked and answered (by every Board):

What assets, both real and intangible, does the organization own? What is the cost associated with owning those assets? Do those assets invested well? (I'm not talking about money....that's the easy part) Do those assets make money? What value do these assets provide?

Doing nothing is frequently a bigger mistake than doing nothing. However, it usually results in less criticism.



----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] DISASTER PLAN (One Giant Leap For....)

The disaster was many years ago and involved the paid? secretary position in the permanent office set up in MO. I was not a member of AIS then, but I have heard many horror stories from "old-timers" over the years. If AIS is not managing its finances well--an assertion that I have not heard before--a new paid office will not correct the problem created by decisions of the Board. Perhaps the problem is inadquate income. Perhaps the dues should be raised.

Clarence Mahan

-----Original Message-----
From: R. Dennis Hager <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 8:48 pm
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] DISASTER PLAN (One Giant Leap For....)

What was the Board doing when the AIS had such a position? If it was that bad, there was obviously no oversight.?
Dennis Hager?
----- Original Message ----- From: <>?
To: <>?
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:06 AM?
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] DISASTER PLAN (One Giant Leap For....)?
I cannot imagine a WORSE idea than for AIS to create a position called >Operations Director or Executive Director. AIS had one experience with such >a position and based on what the person did came close to going out of >business.? It took years and years to recover.?Anything such a position can >do can be done by the President or?First Vice President if the Board wishes >to delegate its responsibilities. Clarence Mahan??
-----Original Message-----?
From: R. Dennis Hager <>?
Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 8:07 am?
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] DISASTER PLAN (One Giant Leap For....)?
I hope I am not jumping the gun here, but it wouldn't be the first time. > What the position should be called does matter, but now it is more > important that the position is created, well-defined and RECOGNIZED for > its importance, just as Editor, Membership Secretary and Registrar are > recognized. To be a little more direct, it should be a paid position.??
I am told that the AIS finances are abysmal, but so are the finances of > many businesses, government entities and individuals. In these economic > times, there are a lot of talented individuals out there looking for work > and now it the time to create and fill this position. (Actually, it should > have happened 20 years ago, but it's still not too late.) The long term > health of the society depends on it. The ideal candidate should have good > writing and communications skills, as well as a working knowledge of > information systems. A passion for irises should not be a prerequisite for > the position, but a passion for quality should. "People skills" would also > be at the top of the list. (I added that just so none of you would think > that I'm looking for a job.)??
If indeed the AIS Board members were ever to take so brave a step as to > create, FUND and fill this position, the title that goes with it would be > part of the pay, just as Wal-Mart has "associates" and every bank seems to > have more "vice-presidents" than tellers. Although "Operations Director" > has a nice ring to it, "Executive Director" has an even better one.??
I'm not sure which direction this discussion will go, but I hope that it > goes somewhere. I post this with the full understanding that finances are > tight and there is risk involved, but I just hope and pray that there are > enough board members who have the foresight and understanding to see that > this is about the ultimate survival of the organization.??
Back in my little hole.??
Dennis Hager??
----- Original Message ----- From: <>??
To: <>??
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 9:26 PM??
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] DISASTER PLAN??
In a message dated 9/14/2009 6:28:45 P.M. Central Standard Time,?? writes:??
Bob, Operations Manager sounds like a reasonable thing to do especially > >> the??
part that Jody outlines.??
"Just as an aside we might consider an ombudsman that could help > >> affiliates?? coordinate with AIS." We already have an RVP Respresentative working > >> with??
RVP Counselor for that function. But you really already knew tha!??
I agree with Rita that Operations Manager sounds reasonable.??
As to an "ombudsman" my experience in both industry and volunteer > >> societies?? is that after appointment there is an initial flurry of complaints >> brought??
up with little resolution, followed by benign neglect and the eventual??
fading away of enthusiasm and any belief in change and then the position >> > dies.??
I have seen this time and time again even with top management support.??
Jim M.??
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