Re: DISASTER PLAN (One Giant Leap For....)

In a message dated 9/16/2009 6:50:14 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

The  disaster was many years ago and involved the paid? secretary position 
in the  permanent office set up in MO. I was not a member of AIS then, but I 
have  heard many horror stories from "old-timers" over the years. If AIS is 
not  managing its finances well--an assertion that I have not heard 
before--a new  paid office will not correct the problem created by decisions of the 
Board.  Perhaps the problem is inadquate income. Perhaps the dues should be 

Clarence Mahan

The AIS Executive Secretary position was held by Cliff Benson from 1957  
through 1977 with free office space at Missouri Botanical Garden in St.  
Louis.  The position was a full-time paid position.  Even though the  membership 
was extensive at over 8,000 members, the expenses of a salary for  this 
position together with publishing the AIS Bulletin for a membership dues  
structure of only $7.50 annually (compare to our $25 of 2009, some 32 years  
later) were way too much outgo for the amount of income.  A review of the  
Treasurer's reports for 1970 on showed that AIS was going bankrupt and had to  
terminate something.  That something became the Executive Secretary.   With 
less than average cooperation from the sacked Benson, Carol Ramsey became  the 
volunteer Secretary, dues were eventually raised and the ship was  righted.  
Ups and downs are inevitable in organizations, especially  volunteer ones.  
History teaches valuable lessons and change is  inevitable. .
Jim M.

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