Vouchers, deposits, etc. during my absence

Hello everyone. Since I am leaving on Sept. 26 and will not be returning until Oct. 22, the following procedures will be in place during that time.

   * All deposits should continue to be sent to me as I will be able to
     get them into the bank within a few days after my return.

   * If there are any bills that must be paid during my absence, please
     send them to our Recording Secretary, Susan Boyce, who is my
     back-up.  If the bills can wait to be paid, just go ahead and send
     them to me as usual, and I will get the vouchers done within a few
     days of my return.

   * *ALL* reports are to be sent directly to John Jones.  He will be
     sending out emails reminding you of the deadline for getting the
     reports to him.  Please remember to try and send the report to him
     in PDF format.  You can either refer to John's February 23, 2008
     email regarding the guidelines to be used for file names of your
     report or refer to the copies of the Spring, 2008 reports.

*Please note: If you have any bills and you want them processed before I leave, I have to have them no later than September 24.*

Thank you very much,

Michelle Snyder
AIS Secretary

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