Forwarded by request From: "Patrick O'Connor" <> Subject: Welcome to New Orleans from the Greater New Orleans Iris Society Date: October 22, 2013 2:27:49 PM PDT To: <> Reply-To: On behalf of the Greater New Orleans Iris Society, I want to extend the AIS Officers and Board an early welcome to the city. I hope your visit is fun and your meetings are productive. GNOIS is happy to serve as host for the 2014 Society for Louisiana Irises Convention. Our convention website is up, and our page on New Orleans may contain some information of use for your upcoming visit. The convention site is; just click on the New Orleans tab . Please feel free to look around the site at our convention plans and take the link back to our host GNOIS site. I hope to meet a few of you at the meetings, and those of you on the New Orleans tour will get to meet my wife Julie, which is a better deal. Regards, Patrick
O’Connor |