Re: Convention Survey

In a message dated 10/18/2007 2:50:47 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I have  results from the judges questions at the first
part of the convention  survey;

AIS has  produced a new Judges handbook. There are
changes that a few people have  expressed concerns
about. Here are some questions that will let us  know
how you feel about some of these changes. Circle Yes
or  No.The name Master Judge was previously used for any
judge that had  served for 15 years, this was changed
to Senior Judge. Do you like this  change,  43 Yes or 
58 No

3. The name Master Judge was previously used for any
judge that had  served for 15 years, this was changed
to Senior Judge. Do you like this  change,  43 Yes or 
58  No

To all,
This is an emotional issue.  At every Judges' Training session we have  given 
this year (8) and Regional Conventions we have attended (4) this issue was  
brought up and loudly complained about by long-time AIS Judges affected by  it. 
  The majority do not like this change nor the change from  Emeritus to 
My own Region 18 Board (consensus discussion) requested me to ask AIS to  
readdress the subject as our Regional Judges' Training Co-Chairmen have received  
nothing but complaints about the title changes.

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