Re: letter from Editor to President
Hello Everyone,
I am extremely distressed by the messages flying back and forth between
Bruce, Bob Pries, et. al. As a non-voting member who attended the Fall 2005
AIS Board meeting, I remember Bruce's presentation, the comparisons from the
different printers, how inexpensive the overseas printer was (but the time
element was not conductive to a wonderful & timely Bulletin, July's issue
notwithstanding), the discussion of fewer issues, cheaper paper, less pages,
etc. I did not feel that Bruce gave an incomplete report, nor that he did
not seek out competitive bids from many printers. Was I at the same
meeting??? I distinctly remember Jim Morris talking about the different
paper weights, and showing everyone an example of one that Bruce had listed
as somewhat cheaper, and I believe that it was agreed that if necessary we
(the AIS Board) could decide in the future to use the "lighter weight"
paper. I wish I had kept everything from that meeting, but unfortunately I
did not, so I cannot show Jim the teal spreadsheet with the different
comparisons - your diet is safe, Jim!
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 5:33 PM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] letter from Editor to President
> From:
> [Add to Address Book]
> To: (Jeanne & Bob Plank)
> Cc: (Terry Aitken)
> Date: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8:44:28 AM [View Source]
> Dear Jeanne:
> I know that you aren't going to like this, but I really do not feel that I
can attend the Fall Board Meeting. I will provide my report by the due
date, but I don't feel comfortable attending in person; I just don't want to
subject myself to all the stress and upset that the meeting is likely to
cause me. Apparently there are influential Board Members who want me to use
a printer in Kansas; as I will state in my report, I oppose such a move on
basis of service provided by the current printer, quality, and convenience;
however, I also realize that a change may be required for reasons of dollars
and cents, and I will accept such a change if it is a necessity. Aside from
that, the printer in Kansas has expressed absolutely no interest to me in
winning our business....
> I'm not sure exactly why this pressure to change is being applied, since
we are unning well within our budget, as presented in my Spring Board
Meeting report. Aside from that, I just don't earn enough money to be able
to afford the trip to Kansas City this year, despite the fact that I used to
live there and would love the opportunity to spend some time there again.
But the main reason is simply that I think the Board should decide the
future printing place of the Bulletin without my involvement; I have
provided my input, and will do so again in my Fall Report, but the Board
must make the final decision, based on what is best for the membership of
the AIS, and if what is best includes a change in printers, then so be it.
> I am particularly offended by Bob Pries' treatment of me, both in his
earlier e-mail and in his actions at the Spring Board Meeting, when he
humiliated me publicly (at the Sections Meeting) in a completely
inappropriate manner. There are many others who were also surprised and
offended by his behavior, and they expressed their feelings to me
> Bruce
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