Re: CIP Checks to Teachers
I understand the procedure.
On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 04:05:10 EDT writes:
> Hi all,
> I never received acknowledgement from any of you that you read and
> understood our established procedure for paying CIP teacher's dues
> via fund transfer
> after the CIP Youth dues are received by the AIS Membership
> Secretary. Now a
> second teacher, Lynne McCall, has received a check from the AIS
> Treasurer and
> is asking why. Are there any other AIS checks like this out there?
> As in
> the other case we will void this check and return it to the
> Treasurer.
> Jim Morris
> AIS Director
> __________________________________
> 10/5/05 ...
> My wife Jean tells me the rule is -- as soon as the youth dues are
> in the
> AIS Membership Office, THEN the AIS Youth Chairman alerts the AIS
> Treasurer to
> pay the Teacher/Leader dues for the CIP out of the CIP fund. It is
> paying AIS, a transfer from the CIP fund to the AIS general fund.
> Unfortuately
> Jay must have forgotten the procedure as a Southview School
> Teacher, Crystal
> Elze, received a check from Jay and she asked Jean, "What am I
> supposed to do
> with this?" We will void it and return it to Jay. Crystal has had
> students in AIS for two years previously. Their dues are paid by
> one of our local
> affiliates. AIS needs to pay Crystal Elze's dues (fund transfer)
> -- but not
> until the CIP student's dues from the affiliate reach AIS
> Membership Chairman
> Tom Gormley.
> ______________________________
> 10/10/05 ...
> Dear Jean,
> Last week I received a check from the American Iris Society. It
> was
> for $25.00. The statement reads "restricted fund expense:
> classroom CIP
> dues" . Do you know why I got this? I have not cashed it, and
> will
> gladly pass it on to you.
> Lynne
> ______________________________
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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