CIP Checks to Teachers

Hi all, 
I never received acknowledgement from any of you that you read and  
understood our established procedure for paying CIP teacher's dues via fund  transfer 
after the CIP Youth dues are received by the AIS  Membership Secretary.  Now a 
second teacher, Lynne McCall, has received a  check from the AIS Treasurer and 
is asking why.  Are there any other AIS  checks like this out there?  As in 
the other case we will void this check  and return it to the Treasurer.
Jim Morris
AIS Director
10/5/05 ...
My wife Jean tells me the rule is -- as soon as the youth dues are in the  
AIS Membership Office, THEN the AIS Youth Chairman alerts the AIS Treasurer to  
pay the Teacher/Leader dues for the CIP out of the CIP fund.  It is AIS  
paying AIS, a transfer from the CIP fund to the AIS general fund.   Unfortuately 
Jay must have forgotten the procedure as a Southview School  Teacher, Crystal 
Elze, received a check from Jay and she asked Jean, "What  am I supposed to do 
with this?"  We will void it and return it to  Jay.  Crystal has had CIP 
students in AIS for two years  previously.  Their dues are paid by one of our local 
affiliates.  AIS  needs to pay Crystal Elze's dues (fund transfer) -- but not 
until the CIP  student's dues from the affiliate reach AIS Membership Chairman 
Tom  Gormley. 
10/10/05 ...
Dear Jean,
Last week I received a check from the  American Iris Society.  It was
for $25.00.  The statement reads  "restricted fund expense: classroom CIP
dues" .  Do you know why I got  this?  I have not cashed it, and will
gladly pass it on to  you.   

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