Re: Calendars

Well seeing as I am still a board member until the Fall meeting:

I would say that doing a direct mailing is counter to our adopted policies as I remember them. I would not be in favor of making an exception - Pandora's Box so to speak.

An advertisement in the AIS bulletin would go to the same audience in an acceptable way. Surely this was considered before?


On Oct 15, 2005, at 9:07 AM, Terry Aitken wrote:

Hi Folks
The people at Turner publishing are asking if there is any way that they can send a direct mailing to the AIS membership list for the big calendars. (They have been told that we do not sell our membership list to anybody.) They have proposed that they would certify that the list would not be sold . An alternative would be to have us mail the brochures, whatever they are, to the membership and then be reimbursed by them for the cost. I assume (and would require) that I preview the flier before agreeing to mail it. (it could contain their other calendars).
This is an unusual situation.
I am concerned with the lateness of the season and the need to get this thing going.

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