Re: Iris Resources - Digital Programs

Janet; I am sorry I misunderstood. I do not see that what you say you are asking is a board action. it seems direct communication with the editor is all that would be necessary. So hearing that you lost your chance at the board meeting for discussion meant to me that you were asking for something more and I tried to oblige by making a motion so it would be discussed. I do not think the board should micromanage the bulletin. The editor needs to have some authority to make decisions. The price of the bulletin varies with the number of pages and these need to be in sets of four. So the editor has a tough job of adding just one page since it then requires another three to be filled with desired material. I am sure there are times when something that we would like to include gets left out because the cost and value of 4 more pages is not warranted. I apologize for misunderstanding.

----- Original Message -----
From: "George and Janet Smith" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 9:36:34 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs

Robert Pries, you have once again misunderstood what I said.  This is not
an insert request, it is a "put on the page of the bulletin like it use to
be.  Only this time half the page and not a whole one.  Sundance does not
charge us for more pages is what I understood.  If that is not acceptible,
I will ask for "ad" space! ! ! !

Janet Smith

> My understanding is that it was asked to be an insert. I have no problem
> with space given to advertising these on one of the pages. But we must
> realize also that nothing is free. Every page costs us. How we use it
> should generally be a decision of the editor with advice from the board.
> But if the editor has an interesting article I would think that should
> have some priority over much of the boiler plate that is printed season
> after season. I can remember January issues where only one article made it
> but there were scores of pages of reports etc. When we stopped doing that
> is also about the time membership stopped being in free -fall. We must
> have something appealing to new members as well as old members.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Susan Boyce" <>
> To: "aisdiscuss" <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:51:08 PM
> Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs
> Hi all,
> ÃÂÃÂ Bob, this would not be an insert.ÃÂ It would beÃÂprinted on one of
> the pages, just like it used toÃÂbe.ÃÂ The cost to AIS would be zero.
> Susan Boyce
> ÃÂ
> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 17:42:29 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs
> From:
> Since I would like to have a discussion I will make the opposite motion
> that we do not include the program form in the Bulletin.
> ÃÂ
> My concern is this. Do we really know what we are doing here. We voted in
> the last board meeting to include the symposium as an insert. I made that
> motion and do not regret it.ÃÂWe have no idea of the present cost of that
> insert or the insert for programs. Janet has said that instead of bringing
> in $600+ dollars we could possibly bring in $1000+ dollars. That means if
> the cost of inserting the programs form were over $400 we would be loosing
> money on this deal. The question then is this that important to the
> mission of the society to spend extra money that is in short supplyÃÂfor a
> few moreÃÂaffiliates to use this service. Lets have a discussion of the
> merits and possibilities and drawbacks. What we didÃÂ6 yearsÃÂago should
> not necessarily be what guides us in our present state. The world and our
> budget changes too fast for just doing what we did or didn't do.
> From: "Jim Morris" <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 4:03:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs
> All,
> ÃÂ
> Yes this is true.ÃÂ But I would hasten to add that the Exhibition Reports
> were voted back in after a ground swell of objections to their deletion by
> our membership.ÃÂ Also because of mailing damage to the bulletins and
> bulletins falling apart we went back to three staples and voted to insert
> the Bulletin in a plastic sleeve or envelope.ÃÂ As a result all complaints
> immediately stopped.
> ÃÂ
> Jim Morris
> Immediate Past President
> American Iris Society
> ÃÂ
> In a message dated 11/12/2015 11:50:20 A.M. Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> Susan, here is what I recall and it is from the 2010 Fall BOD meeting and
> where this all occurred.ÃÂ You are correct it was not voted on but done.
> Editor - Kelly Norris presented price comparisons regarding the printing
> of the AIS
> bulletin. After a long discussion it was decided to change printers.
> *Ludi moved and Gormley seconded:
> **That we switch from Bridgetown to Sundance for the printing of our
> bulletin
> effective with the January 2011 edition. Motion carried.
> Norris also presented a list of several items that are regularly published
> in the bulletin
> and questioned whether if these specific reoccuring topics in the bulletin
> are necessary
> for publication. After much discussion each of the items on his list were
> voted on, one
> by one. The board voted on the following:
> *Williams moved and Gormley second:
> **That we discontinue the black and white wrapper for the bulletin. Motion
> carried.
> *Jones moved and Deaton seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Advertising Rate Card (direct to
> website) in
> the bulletin. Motion carried by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and Nolin seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Insurance notice in the bulletin.
> Motion failed
> by a vote of 8-6.
> *Jones moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the AIS Show Reports in the bulletin.
> Motion
> carried by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and White seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Approved Judges in the bulletin. Motion
> carried by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and Plank seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the TB Symposium results in the bulletin.
> Motion
> failed by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and Deaton seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Treasurer's Report in the bulletin.
> Motion
> carried by a vote of 8-6.
> *Jones moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Board of Directors Minutes Digest in
> the
> bulletin. Motion carried.
> *Jones moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Donations to AIS in the bulletin.
> Motion
> failed.
> *Jones moved and Deaton seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Donations to AIS Foundation in the
> bulletin.
> Motion failed.
> *Williams moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we revoke the Nov 2009 Board motion that we produce an annual plain
> paper business edition (Motion #9, Fall 2009 Board Meeting). Motion
> carried by a
> vote of 13-1.
> Norris also stated a desire for addition color signature pages for the
> bulletin.
> *Jones moved and Brown seconded:
> **That we authorize an additional color signature for the Bulletin to
> enable
> additional advertising or pictorial emphasis at editor's discretion.
> Motion carried
> Janet Smith
>> Hi all,ÃÂÃÂ As the policy chair, I just did a check on the board meeting
>> minutes.ÃÂ Actually, we did not vote to remove this part of the
>> bulletin. I
>> also did a quick look at the bulletins and it just disappeared and was
>> never put back. I guess that Kelly just took it upon himself to remove
>> the
>> ad for the advertising of the digital/slides program.ÃÂ Since there was
>> no
>> official motion to take it out, I see no reason that we need to have a
>> motion to put this back in.ÃÂ In my opinion it should just be put back
>> in.Susan Boyce > Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 08:18:04 -0500> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources -
>> Digital Programs> From:> > I will make a
>> motion
>> that a form be inserted in the Winter issue of the AIS Bulletin for
>> ordering programs. I believe this is worth discussing and the motion
>> allows for that discussion. >ÃÂ > ----- Original Message -----> From:
>> "George and Janet Smith" <>> To:
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:08:37 PM>
>> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs> > Greetings, I
>> just found out that Judy Keisling fell and was not able to> attend the
>> Fall Board Meeting.ÃÂ She was going to discuss (she is on my> committee)
>> the decrease of revenue for Digital Programs.> > Since my term as chair
>> I
>> have been consistent of at least $1,000 income a> year 2008 to 2014).
>> This year $641.00 total income.ÃÂ We went from 148> orders in 2014; 2015
>> only 74 order and that stopped in July.> > Order form use to be placed
>> in
>> the bulletin (October I believe.ÃÂ I can't> recall when but the editor
>> (presume Kelly) asked to eliminate several> pages that they felt could
>> be
>> placed on the website and thus make room for> more articles which
>> included
>> the order form.ÃÂ At the time there was> concern on my part of lost
>> sales
>> as not everyone has a computer.ÃÂ The BOD> agreed and removed the order
>> form along with the other pages.> > Well here we are today, and as
>> predicted, sales have dropped. I would like> to see the order form
>> placed
>> in the Winter issue of this year's bulletin> and ask how this could be
>> accomplished since I am not on the board.> > If we don't get an increase
>> of orders for this fiscal year we can remove> it from the next winter's
>> issue.> > You can refer to my reports in archives or ask me any
>> questions
>> you wish.> > Janet Smith> Coordinator> > P.S.ÃÂ In talking with Judy
>> Keisling we thought removing the DVD section> and notating if interested
>> ask would cut the form in half which would make> it better for the
>> bulletin.> Digital Programs> >
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>>> > -- > Bob Pries> Zone 7a>
>> Roxboro, NC> (336)597-8805> >
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> Bob Pries
> Zone 7a
> Roxboro, NC
> (336)597-8805
> --
> Bob Pries
> Zone 7a
> Roxboro, NC
> (336)597-8805

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Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC

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