Re: Iris Resources - Digital Programs

Robert Pries, you have once again misunderstood what I said.  This is not
an insert request, it is a "put on the page of the bulletin like it use to
be.  Only this time half the page and not a whole one.  Sundance does not
charge us for more pages is what I understood.  If that is not acceptible,
I will ask for "ad" space! ! ! !

Janet Smith

> My understanding is that it was asked to be an insert. I have no problem
> with space given to advertising these on one of the pages. But we must
> realize also that nothing is free. Every page costs us. How we use it
> should generally be a decision of the editor with advice from the board.
> But if the editor has an interesting article I would think that should
> have some priority over much of the boiler plate that is printed season
> after season. I can remember January issues where only one article made it
> but there were scores of pages of reports etc. When we stopped doing that
> is also about the time membership stopped being in free -fall. We must
> have something appealing to new members as well as old members.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Susan Boyce" <>
> To: "aisdiscuss" <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:51:08 PM
> Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs
> Hi all,
>    Bob, this would not be an insert.  It would be printed on one of
> the pages, just like it used to be.  The cost to AIS would be zero.
> Susan Boyce
> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 17:42:29 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs
> From:
> Since I would like to have a discussion I will make the opposite motion
> that we do not include the program form in the Bulletin.
> My concern is this. Do we really know what we are doing here. We voted in
> the last board meeting to include the symposium as an insert. I made that
> motion and do not regret it. We have no idea of the present cost of that
> insert or the insert for programs. Janet has said that instead of bringing
> in $600+ dollars we could possibly bring in $1000+ dollars. That means if
> the cost of inserting the programs form were over $400 we would be loosing
> money on this deal. The question then is this that important to the
> mission of the society to spend extra money that is in short supply for a
> few more affiliates to use this service. Lets have a discussion of the
> merits and possibilities and drawbacks. What we did 6 years ago should
> not necessarily be what guides us in our present state. The world and our
> budget changes too fast for just doing what we did or didn't do.
> From: "Jim Morris" <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 4:03:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs
> All,
> Yes this is true.  But I would hasten to add that the Exhibition Reports
> were voted back in after a ground swell of objections to their deletion by
> our membership.  Also because of mailing damage to the bulletins and
> bulletins falling apart we went back to three staples and voted to insert
> the Bulletin in a plastic sleeve or envelope.  As a result all complaints
> immediately stopped.
> Jim Morris
> Immediate Past President
> American Iris Society
> In a message dated 11/12/2015 11:50:20 A.M. Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> Susan, here is what I recall and it is from the 2010 Fall BOD meeting and
> where this all occurred.  You are correct it was not voted on but done.
> Editor - Kelly Norris presented price comparisons regarding the printing
> of the AIS
> bulletin. After a long discussion it was decided to change printers.
> *Ludi moved and Gormley seconded:
> **That we switch from Bridgetown to Sundance for the printing of our
> bulletin
> effective with the January 2011 edition. Motion carried.
> Norris also presented a list of several items that are regularly published
> in the bulletin
> and questioned whether if these specific reoccuring topics in the bulletin
> are necessary
> for publication. After much discussion each of the items on his list were
> voted on, one
> by one. The board voted on the following:
> *Williams moved and Gormley second:
> **That we discontinue the black and white wrapper for the bulletin. Motion
> carried.
> *Jones moved and Deaton seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Advertising Rate Card (direct to
> website) in
> the bulletin. Motion carried by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and Nolin seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Insurance notice in the bulletin.
> Motion failed
> by a vote of 8-6.
> *Jones moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the AIS Show Reports in the bulletin.
> Motion
> carried by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and White seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Approved Judges in the bulletin. Motion
> carried by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and Plank seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the TB Symposium results in the bulletin.
> Motion
> failed by a vote of 13-1.
> *Jones moved and Deaton seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Treasurer's Report in the bulletin.
> Motion
> carried by a vote of 8-6.
> *Jones moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Board of Directors Minutes Digest in
> the
> bulletin. Motion carried.
> *Jones moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Donations to AIS in the bulletin.
> Motion
> failed.
> *Jones moved and Deaton seconded:
> **That we discontinue printing the Donations to AIS Foundation in the
> bulletin.
> Motion failed.
> *Williams moved and Snyder seconded:
> **That we revoke the Nov 2009 Board motion that we produce an annual plain
> paper business edition (Motion #9, Fall 2009 Board Meeting). Motion
> carried by a
> vote of 13-1.
> Norris also stated a desire for addition color signature pages for the
> bulletin.
> *Jones moved and Brown seconded:
> **That we authorize an additional color signature for the Bulletin to
> enable
> additional advertising or pictorial emphasis at editor's discretion.
> Motion carried
> Janet Smith
>> Hi all,   As the policy chair, I just did a check on the board meeting
>> minutes.  Actually, we did not vote to remove this part of the
>> bulletin. I
>> also did a quick look at the bulletins and it just disappeared and was
>> never put back. I guess that Kelly just took it upon himself to remove
>> the
>> ad for the advertising of the digital/slides program.  Since there was
>> no
>> official motion to take it out, I see no reason that we need to have a
>> motion to put this back in.  In my opinion it should just be put back
>> in.Susan Boyce > Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 08:18:04 -0500> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources -
>> Digital Programs> From:> > I will make a
>> motion
>> that a form be inserted in the Winter issue of the AIS Bulletin for
>> ordering programs. I believe this is worth discussing and the motion
>> allows for that discussion. >  > ----- Original Message -----> From:
>> "George and Janet Smith" <>> To:
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:08:37 PM>
>> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Iris Resources - Digital Programs> > Greetings, I
>> just found out that Judy Keisling fell and was not able to> attend the
>> Fall Board Meeting.  She was going to discuss (she is on my> committee)
>> the decrease of revenue for Digital Programs.> > Since my term as chair
>> I
>> have been consistent of at least $1,000 income a> year 2008 to 2014).
>> This year $641.00 total income.  We went from 148> orders in 2014; 2015
>> only 74 order and that stopped in July.> > Order form use to be placed
>> in
>> the bulletin (October I believe.  I can't> recall when but the editor
>> (presume Kelly) asked to eliminate several> pages that they felt could
>> be
>> placed on the website and thus make room for> more articles which
>> included
>> the order form.  At the time there was> concern on my part of lost
>> sales
>> as not everyone has a computer.  The BOD> agreed and removed the order
>> form along with the other pages.> > Well here we are today, and as
>> predicted, sales have dropped. I would like> to see the order form
>> placed
>> in the Winter issue of this year's bulletin> and ask how this could be
>> accomplished since I am not on the board.> > If we don't get an increase
>> of orders for this fiscal year we can remove> it from the next winter's
>> issue.> > You can refer to my reports in archives or ask me any
>> questions
>> you wish.> > Janet Smith> Coordinator> > P.S.  In talking with Judy
>> Keisling we thought removing the DVD section> and notating if interested
>> ask would cut the form in half which would make> it better for the
>> bulletin.> Digital Programs> >
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>> Roxboro, NC> (336)597-8805> >
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> Bob Pries
> Zone 7a
> Roxboro, NC
> (336)597-8805
> --
> Bob Pries
> Zone 7a
> Roxboro, NC
> (336)597-8805

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