RE: Spring Board Meeting Reports

Duh...I should have looked....Michelle guess you better fix it in your
note...Sorry everyone.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dave Silverberg
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Spring Board Meeting Reports

You left out the "T" in Secretary!!!!!

Dave Silverberg
AIS Librarian

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Debra Strauss" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 8:20 AM
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Spring Board Meeting Reports

> Michelle, I just sent this to you after I clicked on the email address for
> you in your text below.  It bounced back. Does anyone know what is 
> happening
> here?
> It came back from and said:
> Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
> <>:
> Remote host said: 550 No Such User Here" [RCPT_TO]
> This is the email I sent.
> Michelle, are you receiving things from me?  Did you get the operations
> manual things I sent on March 13?
> Also you gave a list of names to Andi of people and you wrote,
>               "I am also providing you with the names of those persons 
> that
> were not elected to the board as they are still eligible.  Of course, your
> committee can come up with some entirely new names.  Al Elliott, B. J.
> Jackson, George Boyce, Riley Probst,   Robert Treadway and Steve Poole."
> Are you suggesting these names or are they part of the ones that did not 
> get
> selected last spring?  Is B.J. Jackson Barbara from Canada?
> I am the chair for the nominating committee.  I am trying to get the 
> report
> ready before April 1.  I will be sending one about the operations manual
> review too.  I will also give a short on to you from the Silent Auction. 
> I
> will not be late.
> Thank you,
> Debbie
> Debbie Strauss
> AIS Board of Directors
> AIS Silent Auction Chair
> MIS Fundraising Chair
> R17 Newsletter & Parliamentarian
> PBIS Treasurer
> 2213 Hereford Blvd
> Midland TX 79707-5012
> 432-352-5483
> "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an 
> encounter
> with another human being.  Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who
> have rekindled this inner light."
> Debbie
> Debbie Strauss
> AIS Board of Directors
> AIS Silent Auction Chair
> MIS Fundraising Chair
> R17 Newsletter & Parliamentarian
> PBIS Treasurer
> 2213 Hereford Blvd
> Midland TX 79707-5012
> 432-352-5483
> "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an 
> encounter
> with another human being.  Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who
> have rekindled this inner light."
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Michelle Snyder
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 10:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Spring Board Meeting Reports
> Here we go again.  It is two weeks until the deadline and I have only
> received reports from three people.  I certainly hope that everyone
> responsible is well into preparing them.  Getting them to me before the
> deadline allows them to be presented to John for uploading so everyone can
> look at them before the meeting as well as being able to be reviewed on 
> the
> big screen.  All reports must be to me no later than Monday, April 1. 
> This
> will allow me enough time to get the reports ready to send to John for
> uploading to the website.  If I do not have your reports by that date it
> will be your responsibility to bring the report, along with enough copies
> for the board as well as outside attendees.  This means you will need to
> bring approx. 30 copies with you.  Remember, all reports must be either 
> word
> or PDF.
> I would really appreciate all those responsible to make a concerted effort
> to provide me with their reports by the deadline as I would really like to
> avoid the chaos that occurred at the fall board meeting when so many 
> reports
> were late.
> Remember, the reports need to be sent to me directly at
> as attachments cannot be sent through AISDiscuss,
> despite the recent glitch.
> Thank you,
> Michelle Snyder
> AIS Secretary
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