Re: Motion to remove the operations manual from the Wiki

Michelle, you are correct, the board of AIS usually brings up an idea, talks about it, works out the kinks and details, then someone makes a motion, someone seconds it, and then the board votes. Technically, nothing is supposed to be discussed by the board unless there is a seconded motion before the board. This cuts down on a lot of talking and discussion and also stops discussion on an idea of only one person. I agree that conducting a meeting by a strict interpretation of Robert's Rules of Order can make it complicated. However, I really think that the board should at least follow the general guidelines of Robert's Rules. The rules actually limit the discussion of a motion -- i.e., once a person expresses his/her opinion on the motion, that person can not again have the floor until everyone has had a chance to express an opinion and unless it is agreed by all to extend the discussion. Again, this can get real complicated. But, following the basic rules of Roberts will help the meetings to run smoother and cut out some of the two hour discussions on a simple matter such as publishing the 2014 calendar.

If the original motion maker and the seconder is willing to change the motion to something resembling my amendment, I am willing to withdraw my amendment (if the person who seconded it agrees) and to allow the amended by the original people motion to proceed with discussion.

Director, AIS
Adv Editor

On 3/13/2013 12:04, Michelle Snyder wrote:
I only have the revised 10 edition and it isn't the easiest to understand, at least not to this lay person. Anyway, for as far back as I can remember, we have always allowed the members to voice their opinion on an existing motion regarding changes but we have also had the changes agreed to by the original motion maker and the second, or the originators have agreed to withdraw their motion. From what I see from Gary's email, it appears while the motion is pending it can be amended several times during the discussion process. It appears this could drag out motions for a very long time. If we accept the motion to amend as presented, that amended motion would have to go through the discussion and voting period (two weeks) and then the original motion, possibly as amended, would have to go through the same process. This seems like it would stop any motion from going forward in a reasonable time frame. Perhaps we should discuss this further at the spring board meeting and Jim could contact our legal adviser and she could present a definitive explanation of how this should work. Have we been doing our amendments to pending motions wrong all along?

During our Spring and Fall board meetings motions have been amended a lot before being voted on.


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