The people who originally moved and
seconded the motion need to agree to amend their motion. That is
Susan Boyce and John Ludi. If they agree I will send the amended
motion out.
On 3/13/2013 8:17 AM, Ron Killingsworth wrote:
I think the discussion the last day or so has been very
productive. I do not agree that the operations manual is of
"critical importance" - this organizations has operated for many
years without it. I do think it would be nice to have a document
that tells you what is expected of your job, having been appointed
to advertising editor and having nothing to help me determine what
the job really was/is or how to accomplish the job. I have
written a proposed job description for advertising editor to go in
the operations manual.
The general consensus of opinions expressed seems to be that the
document should be on the AIS web site and made easy to find, but
that keeping it on the Wiki Iris is also a good idea. This poses
the problem of updating both versions but that should not be a
I therefore:
Move to amend the motion to read:
"That the Operations Manual be maintained on the Iris Wiki and
that a copy of the Operations Manual be placed on the AIS web site
and that the web site be indexed to allow easy access to the
Would someone second this amendment?
Ron Killingsworth
Director, AIS
Adv Editor
On 3/11/2013 23:43, Michelle Snyder
Susan Boyce moved and John Ludi seconded the below motion. As
such, it is officially out for discussion.
"That the Operations Manual be removed from the Iris Wiki and be
posted on the AIS Website."
Michelle Snyder
AIS Secretary
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