Re: Re: Registration Images; Putative motion

In stead of REQUIRING photo's...Why don't you start asking for them voluntarily and see how it works out.

I personally am against requiring it as it would put a hardship on many of our older non digital hybridizers.

But asking them to do it voluntarily certainly is not out of the question. That way we could get an idea of the volume of work it will take to do and work with them and make plans for any future ways to make thins better. Lets not keep putting it off and falling farther behind the rest of the world just because there MIGHT be a
problem in the future.

Future problems can be assessed as they come to light. The board certainly has the ability to address anything that comes up in the future as all have internet access and can respond quickly.

Set up a few good ground rules such as only the AIS can use the photo's for in house use with credit always being given to both the hybridize and the photographer. Any other use to be cleared with both the hybridize
and the photographer.

Just don't keep on procrastinating because of some imagined future problem.

You were elected to get things done and not to quibble.

I know that the Lows have done a marvelous job but are now tired and want to retire from it. I can understand this as it is a very demanding job requiring a lot of time. So...Elect yourself a new Registrar who is willing to do the
work and get on with it.

Sorry for the rant but the bantering back and forth about imagined problems is not at all constructive. And forming another committee is just stalling and producing nothing. We need to move forward and catch up with what the other societies are doing so we will also get our slice of the pie and not be left out.

All My Best

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