Re: E-memberships
Just curious, are many of the past AIS bulletins stored in electronic
format, or have they been generated into a .pdf format?
My local town paper has recently started to publish their entire paper on
their web page, in .pdf format, in color, at no cost to viewers. I
cancelled my subscription, it sure is nice to not have all the newspaper
around the house and bothering to recycle. I can read the paper on line,
and print any page of interest. Some of the issues are a bit long to
download, even with high speed internet, however, I can store any issue if I
wish. How many of you can get their newspapers entirely on line?
More and more publications are going this route. I don't know how many
people would want the AIS bulletin in .pdf format, as I want to keep getting
the hard copy in my house, as I have kept all issues as far back as I have
received them. But it sure would be nice to be able to go on line and view
any issue I wanted; searching should be faster.
To have this service as a low cost, add on service, or an additional
e-membership service, isn't a bad idea. I think there is a whole lot in the
future that we'll be seeing on line.
Kitty Loberg
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